Walt Alexander’s series of devotional essays

I was listening to the radio and I heard a sermon by JD Greear (JD Greear Ministries) regarding how the current culture is leaving many hopeless due to it being evil and godless. Now that is nothing special, in and of itself. You do not have to go far to

Casting Away Evil Spirits: Is it Biblical Today?
by Mark Slaney March 2, 2023 Over recent years, there has been much controversy on whether God has given us the power to cast out evil spirits. Ministry leaders, like Morris Cerullo and Richard Roberts, among others in the evangelical community, have been under attack and accused of heresy for

I Did Not Get All A’s
Many people I know and grew up with, got all A’s. Their lives were full of academic achievement, careers, promotions, and successful relationships with beautiful women. Mine was not. I trusted Jesus and worked very hard to get C’s and B’s, I got fired from jobs, I got rejected by

What Should Determine the Way a Believer Should Think, Speak, and Act?
What Should Determine the Way a Believer Should Think, Speak, and Act? Should Christians follow societal norms or God’s norms in the way they think, speak, and act? This is the dilemma facing many Christians. We have become born-again. We have received the Holy Spirit into our lives, and subsequently, a new nature. Eventually, we find out that the way we have been thinking about ourselves, about others, and the circumstances of life are diametrically opposed to the way God would have us to think.

Why I am Not a Baha’i
Allow me to share with you for my own view of what the Baha’i faith is all about and include a couple videos that will explain more about them. I also want to share with you how I diverge from the Baha’i faith. I hope you can use this to

Is It True That God Has Made Me Like This?
As I was working on this study, I took a break and turned on my favorite morning news station. The panel had a guest who claimed to be a Christian and disclosed that he was married to someone of the same gender. He went on to say something like, if anyone has an issue with this, then go to God because He made me like this. This resonated with me in the sense that this statement sounded right, and I’m sure those that listened to it agreed, but I have learned over the years that Scripture should give us the answers to any question or comment that has any connection to do with God. So, let’s see if what was said is indeed supported by God’s Word.

How Do I Fulfill My Spiritual Destiny?
Thank God that our sinful inclinations and tendencies no more define us. In Christ, we are no longer who we used to be. By means of the Word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit, we can think anew and experience the anointing which breaks the yoke.

What Is God’s Abundant Life?
by James Rondinone October 9, 2022 What Is God’s Abundant Life? The best way that I know how to answer this question is by taking a look at Scripture. Are you ready to study the Word and learn about God’s abundant life? Please turn in your Bible to the book

Made in China
On April 11th on 2023, Joe Biden declared that Covid-19 pandemic emergency is over. The WHO also (more recently) has declared the same. This is after more than a million Americans died and millions of others have died internationally. Now, it may not be extinct, but for all intensive purposes,

Predicting vs. Prophesying
I was never really interested in the prophecies of Nostradamus. I am not sure why such mysticism and magic never really interested me, especially when I believe that there is a lot more than meets the eye in this world and that the Spirit of Truth (the Holy Spirit) interacts