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Walt Alexander’s series of devotional essays


I have been studying the writings of Soren Kierkegaard (SK) lately. Now, I am not a big fan of different philosophical theories. I have studied a little of Nietzsche and many people believe themselves to be gods today. This belief is at the core of Nietzsche’s ideas. Now Nietzsche was

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Self-love is the foundational block upon which we build a life of contentment, resilience, and authenticity. It’s about acknowledging our value as individuals, treating ourselves with kindness, and not being overly critical about our flaws. Despite common misconceptions, self-love isn’t a fixed trait that one either possesses or lacks; rather,

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by Tim Fay 02/15/2023 When I see attacks on the Christians today in America I can’t help but believe that the gathering of the saints to Christ or the rapture, or the departure of the saints, will soon be the next prophecy to be fulfilled. When I hear of people

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John Coltrane was born to a family of preachers in 1926, in Hamlet, North Carolina. He discovered the clarinet when he was very young. He became obsessed with it. He would just play all of the time. Then his father and grandfather died within a very short span of each

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by Matthew Burgon-Parr March 23, 2024 Depending on your line of work, you may feel that the business world’s current obsession with ‘increased productivity’ is giving you ‘productivity anxiety’. In economic terms, increased productivity is always seen as a good thing: it creates higher wages, aids economic growth, increases tax

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by Nanette Victoria 05/07/2014 We are not our bodies, or our emotions. Do not buy into the lie of allowing your emotional body to dominate the flesh. This is not Spirit led life, this is death. Our life is in the Spirit realm, and as we keep our focus on

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Batman Forever came out in 1995 and was a hit movie, at least that summer. To me, it was the best of the Joel Schumacher Batman movies. It was definitely better than the Batman and Robin film following it. I realize that many people were worried that Chris O’Donnell’s Robin

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The Giving Tree was one of the most depressing books I have ever read! When my son’s mother got it for him when he was just learning to read, I said a resounding “No!” to that book being in our house. Whether or not he read it I do not

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I have been watching a lot of TedX videos on YouTube lately. There is a great one by Dolph Lundgren where he talks about forgiving his parents for being brutal and unloving. There is another by Carrie Otis where she talks about how despite many setbacks, she started to believe

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by Bill Naugle December 21, 2023 Bible truth is the Gospel of Jesus Christ according to the scriptures. He died on the Cross to forgive us of our sins, was buried and then resurrected to life. This Bible Truth of the Gospel is the Power of God unto salvation to

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