Walt Alexander’s series of devotional essays

Devotional May 20th: I Love the Smell of Napalm in the Morning
The Pew report ( released earlier this year did not have the reaction I thought it would. Though there were mentions of it on the news and radio, nothing was said of it at my church on Sunday and I did not see any people running the streets holding “The End

Devotional May 13th: Its Better to Have a Cute A** Than to Be One
This past weekend I went to Wheaton Academy in West Chicago to see Ballet 5:8 Present the Story of Daniel in Belteshazzar: A Perilous Tale ( It was a ballet of the story of Daniel with an all-female cast. It was really good and I recommend seeing it if you

Devotional April 15: Avengers Assemble (Sort Of)!
Devotional: AVENGERS ASSEMBLE I am very excited about the upcoming Avengers: Age of Ultron movie. I can’t wait to see them all back in action! As I have stated before, I am a big fan of Marvel comics and movies. However, this week’s blog is not about Iron Man,

Devotional March 18th: Why Can’t You Be Like Everyone Else?
A few weeks ago, I was talking to a person whom I have known for a long time and who lives far away. He was telling me about his son who is 32 and whom he feels is not “growing up” at the correct pace. His son is not married

Devotional March 3rd: We All Crap Our Pants When We Die, Thank God!
We are not God and God is different than us (Isaiah 55:8). Isn’t that something to be thankful for? I guess that is hard to understand if we believe that we are all there is. It is hard to understand if we believe that God is just something cavepeople made

Devotional Feb. 17: Take Me with a Grain of Salt
Are you one of those people who like to know what the people who disagree with you are saying? I do sometimes. I think it is important to have your perspective challenged and to learn what you can from others. Sometimes I get to see the other perspective even when

Devotional Feb. 10: I Can’t Get No Satisfaction, A-Hey,Hey,Hey
Several years ago, after the tsunami hit in the Indian Ocean, a friend and I were having a conversation. He had gone to Sri Lanka and had done some volunteer work to help out the people there. I was telling him some of my troubles and he told me that

Devotional Feb. 4th: Pie in the Sky? Make Mine a Slice of Pecan!
(heat it up and add some vanilla ice cream on the side) You will see on the Bloomberg Business section of the website that we followed the story of the Japanese hostages pretty closely. It was something that I found really troubling. The Muslim religion says that when you die,

Devotional January 28th: Faith, Hope, and Love (Again)
I was walking outside to get a sandwich yesterday when I saw a particular billboard. It was one of those billboards from those angry atheists in Wisconsin, the Freedom From Religion Foundation. It was not such a shocker to see it as I thought it was going to be, actually

Devotional January 21: Faith, Hope, and Love (is all you need)
As we think about Marin Luther King this week, we need to consider his earthly reward. For answering the call that God called him to he was beaten, imprisoned, and finally executed. He did not receive glorious riches for his obedience. Instead he received an abundance of faith, hope, and