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Walt Alexander’s series of devotional essays


Many atheists think that they are the modern-day priests of reason and science. They think in any argument regarding religious issues, they are always on the side of reason and science and wholly untainted by any faith or fuzzy logic. Also, many people of belief see themselves as the sole

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You may have noticed from my other devotional/blogs that I tend to hammer salespeople. That is mainly because I have a lot of experience in sales, especially phone sales, inside sales, and telemarketing. Let me tell you, there is a lot of pressure in sales to make your numbers. You

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Growing up, I was always in denial about horror movies. I loved to hate them! But then when I got older and I got into writing and acting I discovered something big, horror movies are F-U-N! You see, no matter how scary they are on the screen, everyone behind the

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Several weeks ago, I went to see Dweezil Zappa at his Zappa Plays Zappa show. I actually had never heard any of Frank Zappa’s music before. And there were some songs I liked but most of them were just, “okay”. Certainly Dweezil is a very very talented guitar player. Though

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You may recognize the line above from the film, Tommy by the Who. You may also assume that this is another attempt to put a movie or something into my devotional/blog. However, I have never seen the movie, Tommy. I am familiar with the quasi-religious theme of it, though. This

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I realized that the media has buried the story (now that she was released from jail) but Kim Davis’ story was really significant to me. You are familiar with the story, right? If not, you can read all about it here. I know it was significant for a lot of

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(Alternate Title: WHERE THE %$!%#@ ARE MY KEYS?????) We are typing along and something happens and we lose a lot of work. We are driving along and realize that we forgot something back at home. We do not read an email closely enough about a cancellation, a postponement, something like

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When people get to college they act very strangely. This is especially true at Christian colleges. I know of a guy who, when he got to college, became an athlete. I think he was a moderate one before college but when he got there he just went crazy. He was

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I have been asked repeatedly to make my blog more controversial by addressing gay marriage and other wonderful topics and giving my opinion about them. Though I intend to address gay marriage and homosexuality in general in THIS blog, I do not intend to give my personal opinion about them

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Sometimes in my more nostalgic moments, my mind drifts to my old college days and how I often wondered what the future would be like. The Book of Isaiah is known for predicting the future too, especially the coming of Christ. I often think about the descriptions of Jesus in

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