Walt Alexander’s series of devotional essays
Devotional 9/7: George Washington’s Rules To Live By (Part2)
I am currently reading a book entitled, George Washington’s Sacred Fire by Jerry Newcombe and Peter Liliback, Ph.D., published in 2006. It is a close examination of the religious comments and actions of George Washington as a child and as an adult. The authors discuss Washington’s education in detail. Schools,
Devotional 8/31: George Washington’s Rules To Live By (Part1)
I am currently reading a book entitled, George Washington’s Sacred Fire by Jerry Newcombe and Peter Liliback, Ph.D., published in 2006. It is a close examination of the religious comments and actions of George Washington as a child and as an adult. The authors discuss Washington’s education in detail. Schools,
Devotional 8/17: The Song Remains The Same
I have been following the coming election between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump very closely. I have been checking the news every night and reading different political analysts. The reason I have been doing this is because though I am and always be a Mike Huckabee supporter, I really hope that
Devotional 7/06: My Son, the Idiot
As a huge fan of the former tv show, Entourage I had to see the movie version last summer. In this film, they are trying to get a movie financed by a guy named McCredle played by Billy Bob Thornton. McCredle sends his son to Hollywood to be wined and dined by Vinny
Devotional June 22: And Hagar Makes Three (or More) Part 3
I honestly believe that Hagar is the hero in the story of Abraham, Sarah, and Hagar. As I discussed previously, it was Abraham and Sarah’s lack of faith and patience that caused them to request Hagar’s help in getting Abraham a son. However, they actually did not request it, did
Devotional June 15: And Hagar Makes Three (or More) Part 2
When I went to Christian college, men always got the bad rap. I remember several times when at a Bible study or something all the men would get together and the leaders would just let into us. They would say things like, “Don’t go preying on young, innocent girls! Keep
Devotional 6/8: And Hagar Makes Three (or More)
I have been thinking a lot lately about Hagar. I am not referring to the great singer/songwriter/guitar player and former lead singer of Van Halen, also known as the Red Rocker. Though, Sammy Hagar is really cool. I am talking about Hagar in the Bible and her relationship to Abram
Devotional 6/1: Separation Pledge
You may have noticed that we have begun a new section on Women and Family. It will be run by our friend, Brad Weisman. I kind of thought that in order to really be a men’s magazine, we need to talk about women and being a good lover, husband, boyfriend,
Devotional 4/13: Batman vs. Superman Sucks!
Despite what the title says, my son and I went to go and see Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice the week it came out and it was not that bad! I actually enjoyed some parts of it and I am not even a DC fan (make mine Marvel). I
Devotional March 9: The Walking Dead
I am not sure when it started. However, it seems as if people everywhere have been crazy about zombies for the past 10 years or so. Perhaps it began back in 2004 with the release of the remake of Dawn of the Dead. It seems it was around then that