Walt Alexander’s series of devotional essays

Devotional Feb 8th: Are We Not Men? We are Devo(-tional)!
I remember growing up and going to An Officer and a Gentleman. I remember in response to seeing that second movie, all the kids in my school were asking each other, ‘Where are you from?” and then gleefully replying, “Only two things come out of [wherever you said you were

Devotional 1/25: Pulp Fiction
October of 2016 was the 12 years anniversary since Pulp Fiction was released to theaters. I do not know if you have seen it, but according to the American Film Institute, it is one of the best movies ever made. I have to agree with them. Though it is not

Devotional 1/11: Light Up the Darkness
This past Christmas and New Years season was scary. I heard on the news a lot that Muslim terrorists were seeking to attack churches and public gatherings. Our own Jim Riordan wrote about it:( I was especially concerned since I go to a large church in Chicagoland and my family insisted

Devotional 1/4: Thomas Jefferson Leads Us Into the New Year
We have made it into our 3rd year and therefore we want to talk about the Judeo-Christian values of our third president, Mr. Thomas Jefferson. Now I know that Mr. Jefferson is the founding father that all atheists and agnostics love to tout as an example of a person that

Devotional 12/28: Thank You!
We have all had quite a year! This elections, the economy, and the challenges presented by Barack Obama, and all we have been through personally have been really draining. I hope you are all using the holiday to rejuvenate and recharge. WE THANK YOU ALL FOR BEING FAITHFUL READERS AND FOR

Devotional 12/21: George Washington’s Christmas Poem
On Christmas Day Assist me, Muse Divine! To sing the Morn On which the Saviour of Mankind was born But oh! What Numbers to the Theme can rise? Unless kind Angels aid me from the skies? Methinks I see the tuneful Host descend And with officious Joy the Scene attend.

Devotional 12/14: This is Going to Hurt Me More Than You!!
I had something happen to my 6 year-old son last week that just killed me. I think it taught me a lot about how the Lord sees us. My wife and son were at Target (Some of you out there may think that that was their first mistake) and were looking around. They were in the

Devotional 11/30: A Prayer for Hillary Clinton
As we approach the inauguration of Donald Trump and as we deal with the continued onslaught of idiots who are saying that the majority people in the country and specifically people in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin did not actually voted for Donald Trump, we need to say a prayer for

Devotional 11/23: Name a Country That Begins with the Letter, “U”
Somehow, I have gotten a lot of a certain kind of video recommended to me on YouTube. They have been videos from Bill O’ Reily’s Watters’ World segment and videos from Jay Leno’s Jaywalking (from years past). You know, the kind of videos where they walk up to someone on the

Devotional 11/16: Eat, Drink, Sleep, Eat, Drink, Sleep, Repeat
My son and I went to a Boy Scout toy boat race called the Rain-gutter Regatta. He did not win after two attempts and was very upset. I was very sad to see him sad and I wondered what to say to him to make him feel better. Thankfully, he