Walt Alexander’s series of devotional essays
Devotional 12/21: George Washington’s Christmas Poem
On Christmas Day Assist me, Muse Divine! To sing the Morn On which the Saviour of Mankind was born But oh! What Numbers to the Theme can rise? Unless kind Angels aid me from the skies? Methinks I see the tuneful Host descend And with officious Joy the Scene attend.
Devotional 12/14: This is Going to Hurt Me More Than You!!
I had something happen to my 6 year-old son last week that just killed me. I think it taught me a lot about how the Lord sees us. My wife and son were at Target (Some of you out there may think that that was their first mistake) and were looking around. They were in the
Devotional 11/30: A Prayer for Hillary Clinton
As we approach the inauguration of Donald Trump and as we deal with the continued onslaught of idiots who are saying that the majority people in the country and specifically people in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin did not actually voted for Donald Trump, we need to say a prayer for
Devotional 11/23: Name a Country That Begins with the Letter, “U”
Somehow, I have gotten a lot of a certain kind of video recommended to me on YouTube. They have been videos from Bill O’ Reily’s Watters’ World segment and videos from Jay Leno’s Jaywalking (from years past). You know, the kind of videos where they walk up to someone on the
Devotional 11/16: Eat, Drink, Sleep, Eat, Drink, Sleep, Repeat
My son and I went to a Boy Scout toy boat race called the Rain-gutter Regatta. He did not win after two attempts and was very upset. I was very sad to see him sad and I wondered what to say to him to make him feel better. Thankfully, he
Devotional 10/19: A Question About Hillary For You!
I apologize that I do not have a real devotional available for you this week. However, recently, I have been thinking a lot about the upcoming election and the candidates. I have had a couple of huge questions on my mind that I was hoping to get some feedback on. The
Devotional 7/20: Get Your Entitlement Part 2
So in the first part we discussed the idea that there ar few things that we are really entitled to as Americans except for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, but we are participants in the American dream and we should believe we can obtain it. The question becomes
Devotional 9/28: Get Your Entitlement! Part1
It seems that Mr. Obama has ridden support from a lot of dissatisfied people into office, two times! That movement has also carried crazy socialist Bernie Sanders very far as well, though he has stalled. That dissatisfaction has also carried Donald Trump very far as he is now the Republican
Devotional July 26: G-d Plays the Field
My favorite book of the Bible is the book of Jeremiah. The reason that I love this book is that it does not have a “happy ending.” All throughout the book, Jeremiah does what G-d tells him to do and in response he is beaten, thrown into a cistern/well, put
Devotional 9/7: George Washington’s Rules To Live By (Part3)
I am currently reading a book entitled, George Washington’s Sacred Fire by Jerry Newcombe and Peter Liliback, Ph.D., published in 2006. It is a close examination of the religious comments and actions of George Washington as a child and as an adult. The authors discuss Washington’s education in detail. Schools,