Walt Alexander’s series of devotional essays

Devotional 8/9: Linkin Park Has Fallen and Can’t Get Up
There have been a lot of celebrity suicides lately. There was Chris Cornell in May and then there was Chester Bennington of Linkin Park even more recently. There was Robin Williams a couple years ago. I was a real fan of Linkin Park’s songs from the Transformers series. I was

Devotional August 2nd: Children of a Lesser God
I was thinking about my time at Gallaudet University this past week. I spent the Fall of 1994 and the Spring of 1995 at Gallaudet University, the university for the Deaf (this is a capital “D”, because it is referring to the Deaf culture) in Washington D.C. It was an

Devotional 7/12: Getting Over God?
Several weeks ago, I was at a doctor’s office. While I was waiting for the doctor to show up, I looked at his bookshelf. Among the books was a book entitled Getting Over God (I cannot remember the author). Upon initially seeing the book. I naturally got defensive, as faith

Devotional 5/31: A Prayer for Stan Lee
(Note: All Marvel characters and images are property of Marvel Comics Group, no copyright infringement is intended) Stan Lee is a man who has definitely led the life of imagination and fantasy. He is currently 94, a good long life by anyone’s standards. I hope that he will continue for

Devotional 5/24: A Prayer for Hugh Hefner
I am not a big fan of Deadpool (the Marvel character) or dead pools (polls that usually involve betting who will die in the present year). However, regarding dead pools, two men are usually at the top of them who I would just hate to see the world be without.

I Am Groot!
I have been thinking a lot about languages lately. I have Our Daily Bread‘s app on my phone and in addition to giving you a short devotional, they also have a section entitled Bible in One Year where they give a couple chapters a day so you can say that

Devotional 5/3: Fear the Walking Dead
Soon will be out the third season of Fear the Walking Dead, a prequel of sorts to the most popular cable show ever, The Walking Dead. It is not really a prequel as it has all new characters and it takes place in Los Angeles and Mexico, not on the

Devotional April 7: Opposite George Day
I was looking the other day at my childhood friend Mick’s mother, Sherry, on Facebook. She was giving a hug to my other friend Bob. Bob and Mick and I and others used to hang out. It was funny because Bob now has a white beard and a potbelly. He

Devotional March 1st: Be My Neighbor, Please, Please, Please!
Now I realize that the Bible has already addressed the subject of ‘who is my neighbor?’ I think that everyone knows the parable of the Good Samaritan that the Lord shared in Luke 10:25-37. However for me, it is not been an easy question. I remember in college where we

Devotional 2/22: Doomsday Preppers
I know that people have been saying this for at least 2,016 years but, I have heard a lot of people on TV saying that we are in the last of the last days. I do not know if it is true or not, but I am pretty sure that