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Walt Alexander’s series of devotional essays


I recently took a trip to Florida’s beaches, I had a lot of fun. We ate at nice restaurants and collected shells and went to a couple museums. It was a real treat for the eyes. The only aspect of the trip that was not as expected was that there

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I’ve done some horrible things in my life. I’ve lied to cover my reputation when I should have told the truth. I’ve refused to meet with people that felt I had wronged them and wanted to reconcile. I’ve ruined several people’s Father’s Day because of hurtful things I said to them.

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Thus Spoke Zarathustra is a famous book by Fredrich Nietzsche, written in the later part of the 19th century. This book details many of the ideas that have become synonymous with Nietzsche: God is dead, the Superman, the rejection of all Christian ideals. Zarathustra was the founder of Zoroastrianism, one

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I remember a conversation that I had in the waning days of being at Christian college. A guy I had known since I started there but that I had not had a lot of contact with in the past few years came up to me. He asked me what I

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by James Rondinone September 15, 2022 What are three ways that God could answer our prayers? Did you know that God answers our prayers in one of three ways when we approach Him with the right motivation? What is the right motivation? The right motivation is setting our minds on

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What do famous atheists like Christopher Hitchens, Brad Pitt, Michael Shermer (of Skeptic magazine), Ronald Reagan Jr,, and Amber Heard all have in common? They all came from homes where their parents told them about God and hoped that they would too, trust in and honor God. I have been

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A famous female author and preacher (Rebecca Manley-Pippert) who was very active in Inter-Varsity Fellowship told a story in one of her books about how she was in an airport talking to an airline official who wanted to ask her out on a date. When the official found that she

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by James Rondinone August 18, 2022 When, How Long, and What Did Jesus Pray for? Should there be a specified amount of time that each of us should set aside each day for prayer? Is there a particular time when believers should pray? How often should we pray? Some churches

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I was walking out of another lifting session with my trainer. He started telling me about how his girlfriend had come over and spent Sunday afternoon with him…in bed (TMI Alert!). I did not say anything judgemental or otherwise but he must have seen the look on my face as

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I have always hated the question, “Are you religious?” When I would talk to my mentor Lloyd, about religion, I would say, “I don’t see Christianity as a religion, I see it as relationship with God” his reply would be, “religion is relationship with God”. However, going to Christian college

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