Walt Alexander’s series of devotional essays
The Reds, The Blues, The Purple
I am trying weave together some peculiar themes, so please stick with me and I will try to communicate this as clearly as I can. One of my guilty pleasures from the 2000s was watching the mini-series on HBO, Rome. So I have been re-watching the series on ROKU recently.
The Three Little Pigs
I have been thinking a lot lately about an idea I had a couple years ago which I shared with my young nieces. I told them that Jesus told a similar story to the story of the Three Little Pigs (do I have to remind you of it??) and that
John Tyler’s Inaugural Address
The following speech was given by John Tyler, the 10th President of the United States on April 9th, 1841. To the People of the United States FELLOW-CITIZENS: Before my arrival at the seat of Government the painful communication was made to you by the officers presiding over the several Departments
I restarted updating the site only once a week during the pandemic. I did not have the Bloomberg feed I used to have or 4 fashion shoots a year. But, the website was still moving along. I even had several devotionals go viral. I was gearing up to bring
The Colors of Christmas
Red —For the blood that came as body parts expanded and tore and pushed a living being out. Red for the blood that needed to fuel muscles used for walking and talking and teaching and putting up with ignorant human beings. Red for the blood shed through beatings and whippings
Forgiveness Is True Freedom
Forgiveness and reconciliation will give you a sense of true freedom. With that freedom, you can leave your past behind and move into all God has planned for your life.
Defects, Rejects, Accepts
The Bible says a lot about “defects”. According to one source, just the word “defect” is mentioned 18 times (Defects in the Bible (18 instances). I suspect that these mentions of the word “defect” do not include mentions of blindness, deafness, and other infirmaries which are considered defects in the
Living As A Christian Is Not An Easy Thing
By Anthony Eshun October 10, 2018 I dedicate this piece of write up to all Christians around the world. We are in the end time and so we have to keep on reminding ourselves of the imminent coming of our Lord Christ Jesus. This post will solely address the stressful life
The Way Has Been Cleared
By Anthony Vaughan May 01, 2013 Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, could be considered the landscaper for the path of righteousness. It was through his atonement and the sacrifice of our Heavenly Father’s only son that we have been gifted with a clear piece of property, our souls. How wonderful
Everyday Joy
by Nanette Victoria 12/05/2018 Every day joy is possible when we stop clinging to every day misery. It is our part to choose the joy of God and not the misery of man. Problems will come and go and they are never permanent. The joy and peace of God is