Euro Rises Before Greece Summit as JPMorgan Calls Drama Sideshow
©2015 Bloomberg News NQBR4X6K50XS (Bloomberg) — The euro rose versus the dollar, extending last week’s gains, before an emergency summit in Brussels that may decide Greece’s future in the currency bloc as JPMorgan Chase & Co. said global markets have little cause for panic. The single currency advanced against all

Activists to File Lawsuit to Force Changes to Presidential Debates
©2015 Bloomberg News NQBPK26JTSE8 (Bloomberg Politics) — A consortium seeking to expand the 2016 general-election presidential debates to independent and third-party candidates is suing the Federal Election Commission to try to force changes to a system they say is designed to keep power in the hands of Democrats and Republicans.

Sex-Slave Statue Sits Between Thaw in South Korea-Japan Ties
©2015 Bloomberg News NQBS0J6JIJUU (Bloomberg) — Outside Japan’s embassy in Seoul sits a statue of a diminutive Korean girl — a symbol of the animosity that divides the U.S.’s Asian allies decades after World War II. The monument commemorates thousands of women forced by the Imperial Army into sexual servitude

FCC Takes Step to Provide Internet Subsidy for Poor
©2015 Bloomberg News NQ5V7L6JIJUW (Bloomberg) — Federal regulators took a step Thursday toward making Internet connections eligible for a $1.6 billion government subsidy that helps poor Americans afford telephones. The Federal Communications Commission voted 3-2 along party lines to consider changes proposed by Chairman Tom Wheeler, a Democrat, to the

One Sick Lawmaker Makes Vote on Hong Kong Democracy a Landslide
©2015 Bloomberg News NQ5ZV96JIJUY (Bloomberg) — After nine months of division in Hong Kong that saw protesters clash with police, the city’s decision on whether to accept a China-backed plan for picking its chief executive ended with 28 lawmakers voting against and 8 for. A widely expected narrow defeat of

Cameron Criticizes U.K. Muslims Who ‘Quietly Condone’ Extremism
©2015 Bloomberg News NQ5GUS6JIJUO (Bloomberg) — Prime Minister David Cameron will say British Muslims should stop extremist ideologies taking root in their communities if they want to stem the flow of radicalized Islamists traveling to fight in Syria and Iraq. Muslims who “quietly condone” prejudices either online or in their

Wall Street Research, Wrong but Honest: Barry Ritholtz
©2015 Bloomberg View NQ49DH6KLVR5 (Bloomberg View) — Sometimes the gains from a new regulatory regime are obvious. The creation of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. is a perfect example. Your bank deposits are guaranteed by the government up to some stated amount, no matter the recklessness or irresponsibility of the

What to Expect If You’re Expecting Pension Checks: Megan McArdle
©2015 Bloomberg View NPZO826S972P (Bloomberg View) — I decided to bring back my old “Ask the Blogger” personal finance feature for today, so readers can ask questions and your humble columnist can answer them. I’m vested in the Kansas Public Employees Retirement System, with 18 years of service. I’m in

Junkyard Palladium Strands Bulls Betting on Demand for Car Parts
©2015 Bloomberg News NQ4E536TTDS0 (Bloomberg) — When gold and silver were languishing, precious-metals investors were betting palladium would soar as record car sales boosted demand for catalytic converters. Turns out, there’s more of the metal around with recycled palladium from junked vehicles and rising mine output. For a third straight

Oil Rebounds After Three-Day Drop as U.S. Inventories Seen Lower
©2015 Bloomberg News NQ24D46JIJUU (Bloomberg) — Oil advanced for the first time in four days amid speculation that U.S. crude stockpiles will decline further, easing a supply surplus. Inventories probably shrank for a seventh week as refiners processed more crude to meet increased fuel consumption in the summer, according to