Jeb Bush Made $29 Million After Leaving Office, Tax Returns Show
©2015 Bloomberg News NQRZHM6JTSEC (Bloomberg Politics) — Jeb Bush made $29 million in the first seven years after he left public office, dramatically increasing his wealth during a recession, a financial crisis and the Obama presidency he has criticized. Bush’s tax returns, released Tuesday, show how the former Florida governor

Why Isn’t Twitter Paying More Attention to Its Black Users?
©2015 Bloomberg News NQQA2F6KLVR9 (Bloomberg Business) — Tristan Walker, a prominent black entrepreneur in Silicon Valley, logged onto Twitter after putting his kids to bed last night and found that the BET Awards were dominating his feed. The Black Entertainment Television program had also captured several slots on Twitter’s list of trending topics.

AOL to Take Over Microsoft’s Display Ad Business, Use Bing
©2015 Bloomberg News NQQAKLSYF01T (Bloomberg) — Microsoft Corp. is getting out of Web display advertising, with AOL Inc. taking over the business and letting the software maker focus on mobile and cloud computing. AOL will use Microsoft’s Bing Internet search engine instead of Google Inc. as part of the 10-year

Britain Must Give More Incentives for Clean Energy, Adviser Says
©2015 Bloomberg News NQPQI06S972H (Bloomberg) — U.K. ministers must extend incentives for low-carbon energy production to spur investments into the next decade, the government’s global-warming adviser said. Clear policies are required now to ensure Britain stays on course to meet self-imposed greenhouse-gas limits, the Committee on Climate Change said Tuesday

Greece Imposes Capital Controls, Banks Close to Contain Fallout
©2015 Bloomberg News NQOJKT6S9728 (Bloomberg) — Greece moved to avert the collapse of its financial system by shutting lenders and imposing capital controls as of Monday, a measure that will deepen the country’s recession and risk driving it toward an exit from the euro. The move to husband resources followed

Treasuries Surge With Aussie, Japanese Bonds Amid Greece Turmoil
©2015 Bloomberg News NQOJUB6K50XS (Bloomberg) — Treasuries surged along with government bonds in Australia and Japan, as Greece leader Alexis Tsipras’s decision to call a referendum on aid conditions scotched speculation the Mediterranean nation would reach a deal with creditors. Yields on benchmark 10-year U.S. notes headed for the biggest

Terror Attack Leaves French Town Grappling With Fear and Hatred
©2015 Bloomberg News NQNWHQSYF01S (Bloomberg) — The French town where a terrorist decapitated a man and targeted a gas plant is now grappling with the aftermath: a climate of heightened suspicion and division among its 6,000 residents. Neighbors came in groups — walking and peering out car windows — to
Chart: Louisiana’s Unemployment Rate During Bobby Jindal’s Governorship
©2015 Bloomberg News NQH4F46S9729 (Bloomberg Politics) — Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal swept into office in early 2008 on a message of fiscal conservatism and economic prosperity, and he delivered. During his first term, Jindal oversaw an increase in Louisiana’s credit rating from Standard and Poor’s, and the state’s unemployment rate stayed

Illinois Governor Strikes $4 Billion From Cash-Short Budget
©2015 Bloomberg News NQIMUY6TTDS8 (Bloomberg) — Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner vetoed $4 billion from next year’s budget, calling the Democratic legislature’s spending plan “unbalanced and therefore unconstitutional.” The Republican governor’s action Thursday raises the stakes in a budget stalemate less than a week before the July 1 start of the

NATO Confronts New Russia Threat While Afghan Challenge Persists
©2015 Bloomberg News NQIMJO6JIJUX (Bloomberg) — Even as NATO defense ministers took steps this week to counter what they describe as a new Russian military threat, they were dogged by a security headache they’ve been unable to shake. Almost a dozen years after its involvement in Afghanistan began, the North