Rick Perry on Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell: ‘The Horse Is Out of the Barn’
©2015 Bloomberg News NR0XI46JTSEA (Bloomberg Politics) — Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry said the U.S. is past the point of no return on Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, a policy ended in 2011 that had prohibited gay people from serving openly in the military. Appearing on ABC’s This Week on Sunday, host George Stephanopoulos

Tsipras Turns Tables on Europe in Austerity Referendum Triumph
©2015 Bloomberg News NR17VG6K50XT (Bloomberg) — Greece voted against yielding to further austerity demanded by creditors, leaving Europe’s leaders to determine if the renegade nation can remain in the euro. With 85 percent of votes counted, 62 percent of voters backed Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and his Coalition of the

Tesla’s Battery Push Is Good News for This Israeli Solar Company
©2015 Bloomberg News NQUKTO6JTSE8 (Bloomberg) — It’s good to do business with Elon Musk. That’s what SolarEdge Technologies Inc. is discovering, as demand from customers including Musk’s SolarCity Corp. helped the shares double since its March initial public offering. The company, based in Herziliya Pituach, Israel, is poised to get

Gulf Coast States Are Big Winners in BP’s $18.7 Billion Accord
©2015 Bloomberg News NQVW9HSYF01T (Bloomberg) — The bulk of the money from BP Plc’s record settlement will go to the five states along the Gulf of Mexico whose shores were blackened in the 2010 oil spill. From Florida to Texas, the deal will help rebuild communities and restore publicly owned

How the Presidential Field Responded to Obama’s Cuba Announcement
©2015 Bloomberg News NQUUGI6KLVR5 (Bloomberg Politics) — Two Republican presidential candidates with family ties to Cuba are vowing to block the appointment of a the first U.S. ambassador to the Communist island nation in more than 50 years. With their vows to place a parliamentary hold on any nominees for

Move Over Greece: For Treasuries Traders, Today Is About the Fed
©2015 Bloomberg News NQU7T66K50XU (Bloomberg) — For Treasuries investors, Thursday will be all about the Federal Reserve. It’s the day the Labor Department will probably say U.S. employers added more than 200,000 jobs for the 15th time in 16 months, backing the case for higher interest rates as early as

Did Obama Give 5 Million Workers a Raise?: Editorial
©2015 Bloomberg View NQU7PP6S972C (Bloomberg View) — President Barack Obama has plans to expand workers’ entitlement to overtime pay. The move may be good politics — putting Republicans in an awkward position and making nice with Democrats opposed to his free-trade agenda. But it isn’t going to do workers much

Why Asia Bankers Aren’t Satisfied With $552 Billion in Deals
©2015 Bloomberg News NQU8R96TTDS9 (Bloomberg) — Asian investment bankers are watching the region’s busiest deal spree on record, with upwards of a half trillion dollars in acquisitions this year. They still aren’t popping the champagne corks. Cross-border deals accounted for 42 percent of the region’s deal volume through June, the
U.S. Stocks Halt Quarter Win Streak, Treasuries Fall With Dollar
©2015 Bloomberg News NQRZ0I6TTDS6 (Bloomberg) — U.S. stocks halted a nine-quarter winning streak and European equities capped the worst three months since 2012 as Greece hurtled toward an uncertain financial future. Treasuries clinched the first quarterly retreat since 2013 with the Federal Reserve poised to raise interest rates this year.

Obama to Expand Overtime Eligibility for Millions of Workers
©2015 Bloomberg News NQRZE16K50Y1 (Bloomberg) — The Obama administration plans to raise the wages of millions of Americans who work more than 40 hours a week by requiring employers to pay them overtime. Workers who earn as much as $970 a week would have to be paid overtime even if