Matt Levine’s Money Stuff: Missing Chats and Soul University
©2015 Bloomberg View NSCQVT6KLVRB (Bloomberg View) — Oops Deutsche Bank. Deutsche Bank, like a lot of big banks, had a culture in which it was viewed as okay to manipulate Libor submissions to help its derivatives positions and/or to make itself look healthier. And so it manipulated Libor a lot, as

Merck’s Ebola Vaccine Found to Be Effective by Expert Panel
©2015 Bloomberg News NSCTMP6K50Y3 (Bloomberg) — Merck & Co.’s vaccine for Ebola is “highly effective,” according to an interim analysis from a panel of experts who recommended that a late-stage trial should continue. The vaccine was 100 percent effective when it was tested on more than 4,000 people who were

The Mystery Ingredient for Great Economic Growth: Noah Smith
©2015 Bloomberg View NSCPC86JTSEN (Bloomberg View) — Almost nothing in economics is more important, or mysterious, than productivity. It means the amount of stuff — goods, services, economic value — produced for a given amount of input. It is productivity that separates today’s rich, modern consumer societies from subsistence farmers

Courting Unions, Clinton Says She Didn’t Work on Trans-Pacific Partnership
©2015 Bloomberg News NSBPIR6KLVR5 (Bloomberg Politics) — Hillary Clinton appeared to take another step away from the Trans-Pacific Partnership on Thursday, telling reporters that she didn’t work on the controversial trade deal while serving as President Barack Obama’s secretary of state. The Democratic presidential front-runner, who advocated for a multi-lateral Asia trade agreement

Fox News Lays Out Debate Rules for Candidates Likely to Make Cut
©2015 Bloomberg News NSBPSR6KLVRC (Bloomberg Politics) — With the Fox News debates only one week away, candidates likely to make it to the main stage are beginning to hear some details. According to two people familiar with the network’s plans, candidates will get one minute to answer each question addressed to them

$1 Coffees at 7-Eleven Fuel Japan’s Surge Into Java Big Leagues
©2015 Bloomberg News NSBYF26JTSEB (To get alerts for commodities columns: SALT CMMKT) (Bloomberg) — The fastest-growing drinks market in Japan isn’t craft beer or fruit smoothies. It’s $1 cups of black coffee from the local 7-Eleven. “Convenience-store coffee is just great, given its low price,” said Kiyoshi Fujimoto, a 50-year-old

Trump Leads Republicans in Race to the Bottom: Margaret Carlson
©2015 Bloomberg View NS9MQF6KLVR8 (Bloomberg View) — In the not-so-distant past — 2012, to be exact — candidates lived and died by the money primary. How much you could raise was a measure of your worth as a candidate and an indication of how long you could stay in the

A Leaderless Taliban May Benefit Islamic State: Lake and Rogin
©2015 Bloomberg View NS9OV76JTSEB (Bloomberg View) — Normally when a terrorist leader like the Taliban’s Mullah Omar is reported dead, it’s good news for the counter-terrorism world. Think Osama bin Laden in 2011. President Obama boasted about that victory all the way to the next election. But experts and U.S.

Zuckerberg to Wall Street: Be Patient, Big Things Will Take Time
©2015 Bloomberg News NSA0BT6KLVR6 (Bloomberg) — Patience is a rare investor virtue. Mark Zuckerberg thinks he has the track record to ask for it. Facebook Inc. had just reported second-quarter revenue Wednesday that beat analysts’ estimates, and on a conference call some of the same analysts asked the chief executive

In Hideaway for Brazil’s Rich and Famous, a New Scandal Emerges
©2015 Bloomberg News NS85AJ6K50Y8 (Bloomberg) — Just south of Rio de Janeiro, along a strip of coastline known for its white-sand beaches and high-end resorts, Brazil’s next big corruption scandal is starting to unfold. This one bears striking similarities to the colossal bribery case that has engulfed state-run oil giant