Supreme Court Isn’t Interested in Insider Trading: Matt Levine
©2015 Bloomberg View NVRPMZ6JTSE9 (Bloomberg View) — The big insider trading news today is more of an absence of news: The Supreme Court will not review the U.S. v. Newman decision, which held that you can’t be guilty of insider trading based on leaked inside information if (1) the person

Can Hillary Clinton Be a Normal Presidential Candidate?
©2015 Bloomberg News NVRRPC6JTSED (Bloomberg) — Hillary Clinton might not be an incumbent, but she’s campaigning like the defending champ. Bloomberg’s With All Due Respect followed Clinton on the campaign trail in Manchester, N.H. on Monday, where she introduced new gun control measures, and acted, for the most part, like every other candidate

Too-Big-to-Fail Insurers Face 10% Higher Capital Requirement
©2015 Bloomberg News NVPVRE6VDKHT (Bloomberg) — Global insurers with the greatest ties to the financial system would face an average increase of 10 percent to capital requirements under new standards proposed by a group of regulators. The increase would be as high as 18.75 percent for unregulated-banking activities by firms

Dealmakers Ignore Stock Market Rout After Busiest Summer for M&A
©2015 Bloomberg News NVPXMD6JTSED (Bloomberg) — Worried about China’s economic slowdown, oil at its lowest price in six years or Volkswagen AG’s diesel scandal? Dealmakers aren’t. Yet. More than $1 trillion of mergers and acquisitions were announced in the third quarter, over 20 percent higher than the same period last

Ukraine President Says Obama Approved Sending New Weapons
©2015 Bloomberg News NVPS986VDKHS (Bloomberg) — Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said Sunday on state television that U.S. President Barack Obama promised his country new models of defensive weapons amid a cease-fire with pro-Russian separatists. Obama said he approved supplying counter-battery systems to the debt-troubled Ukraine, Poroshenko said, according to a

America’s Auto Sales at Fastest Pace in Decade Prove Bright Spot
©2015 Bloomberg News NVK9056K50XZ (Bloomberg) — Auto sales accelerated more than expected in September, aided by cheap credit, good deals and relatively low gasoline prices. The annualized rate reached the fastest pace in more than 10 years. General Motors Co., Ford Motor Co. and Nissan Motor Co. all beat analysts’

Amazon to Ban Sale of Apple, Google Video-Streaming Devices
©2015 Bloomberg News NVKAVKSYF01V (Updates with analyst comment in fifth paragraph.) (Bloomberg) — Amazon.com Inc. will stop selling media- streaming devices from Google Inc. and Apple Inc. that aren’t easily compatible with its video service, the latest example of the company using its clout to promote products that fit with

*Obama Faults Inaction on Gun Limits After Oregon Mass Shooting
©2015 Bloomberg News NVKE8F6KLVUU (Bloomberg) — President Barack Obama said the U.S. had grown numb to mass shootings and faulted lawmakers for failing to take action, hours after a 20-year-old gunman opened fire at a community college in southwestern Oregon. In his remarks Thursday evening, the president said other countries

Hillary Clinton Raises $28 Million in Third Quarter, Barely Beating Bernie Sanders
©2015 Bloomberg News NVIN5W6S972A (Bloomberg) — Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign raised $28 million during the third quarter, bringing her fundraising haul since her April launch to $75 million. The quarter was never expected to be quite as strong for the Democratic candidate as her first, yet the total will be

Buy Emerging-Market Stocks as Pessimism Peaking, Barclays Says
©2015 Bloomberg News NVIE3CSYF028 (Bloomberg) — A buy signal seen only four times in the past 12 years is flashing again in emerging-market stocks, according to Ian Scott of Barclays Capital. Things got so bad, they’re going to turn around, according to the London-based equity strategist. In the worst quarter