Goldman Says Older U.S. Workers Poised for a Comeback
©2015 Bloomberg News NWBXGQ6JTSER (Bloomberg) — Older U.S. workers are defying expectations, and international trends, when it comes to their labor force involvement. Americans are living longer, are less likely to have pension plans, and are in better health further into old age — yet a long-running uptrend in 55-64

Netanyahu Nixes Proposal to Wall Off Jerusalem’s Arab Areas
©2015 Bloomberg News NWH2M46S972O (Bloomberg) — Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has rejected a controversial proposal to set up barriers between some Arab and Jewish neighborhoods in Jerusalem following opposition from some of his ministers. Barriers would be counterproductive and may create a false impression that the neighborhoods may eventually be

The Misperceptions That Fuel Mideast Violence: Noah Feldman
©2015 Bloomberg View NWF8GJ6S9728 (Bloomberg View) — One of the most striking features of the terrible cycle of violence in Israel right now is a recurring disagreement about the facts. From the Israeli perspective, Palestinians are randomly stabbing Israelis, after which Israeli police or bystanders shoot the assailants to prevent

Putin’s Intervention in Syria Demands a U.S. Response: Editorial
©2015 Bloomberg View NWFRS26JTSEC (Bloomberg View) — Say this much for Russian President Vladimir Putin: He knows the U.S. and the world will take him seriously only if they have no choice. This is the logic behind his military intervention in Syria, and it demands a U.S. response. QuickTakeSyria’s Civil

Looks Like Obamacare Delivers. Just Not Much.: Megan McArdle
©2015 Bloomberg View NWBUCN6KLVRK (Bloomberg View) — The administration is expecting barely any increase in enrollment in Obamacare next year. The forecast is for enrollment of only 10 million, just a smidge higher than the 9.9 million currently enrolled. If enrollment growth has truly stalled out, that would be big
In the Heart of the Texas Oil Patch, It’s Gas That’s Taking Off
©2015 Bloomberg News NWA8296KLVRV (Bloomberg) — The oiliest county in Texas has seen its new natural gas production capacity more than double as drillers home in on their most profitable acreage. The peak output rate from new gas wells in Karnes County has surged 134 percent since January, estimates from

Ben Carson: Republican Small Dollar King
©2015 Bloomberg News NWACMK6KLVRN (Bloomberg) — Presidential candidate Ben Carson is the king of Republican small dollars. The rookie politician’s third quarter fundraising report shows he’s raised $19.6 million in contributions of $200 or less this year. That appears to be a record for Republicans running for president. Carson, whose $21 million

Ignore the Skeptics. China’s Economy May Be Bigger Than Thought
©2015 Bloomberg News NWA7S36KLVRE (For more economic analysis, see Benchmark) (Bloomberg) — With China set to announce its third-quarter gross domestic product report on Monday, skepticism over its economic data is arising anew. Recall that Bill Gross has described China as “the mystery meat of emerging-market countries.” Premier Li Keqiang,

Gold Comes Back to Life as Prices Exceed 200-Day Moving Average
©2015 Bloomberg News NW8EEE6KLVRO (Bloomberg) — Gold is starting to shed its reputation as a dead asset, and bulls can thank signs that the U.S. economy is starting to sputter for the boost. The metal climbed above its 200-day moving average on Wednesday for the first time in about five

Social Media Sleuths Cracked MH17 Case: James Gibney
©2015 Bloomberg View NW8I8B6KLVRS (Corrects 10th and 11th paragraph with name of Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey, which changed its name from Monterey Institute of International Studies earlier this year.) (Bloomberg View) — The report issued Tuesday by the Dutch Safety Board determined that Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 was