Dollar Retreat Deepens While Oil Slump Hits Asian Energy Stocks
©2015 Bloomberg News NXOGLE6K50XY (Bloomberg) — The greenback encountered more headwinds, while energy companies drove Asian stocks lower as investors mulled oil’s slump to a two-month low and the prospect of more divergence in global central bank policy. The euro made some inroads, climbing for a second day as the
In Cocaine-to-Chocolate Shift, Market Forces Lend a Helping Hand
©2015 Bloomberg News NXODN16K50Y6 (Bloomberg) — It was the murder — execution-style, in broad daylight — of a friend and fellow farmer in the Colombian countryside that prompted German Sanchez to finally heed government calls to get out of the cocaine trade and plant cocoa instead. Six years later, market
Hurt Feelings, Unsafe Spaces and Other Israeli Crimes: Eli Lake
©2015 Bloomberg View NXOAYN6JTSEA (Bloomberg View) — It’s official: Thanks to Benjamin Netanyahu, the Center for American Progress is no longer a safe space for progressives. At least this is the considered opinion of about a dozen of the liberal think tank’s staff members who endorsed a 13- paragraph statement expressing how
Good Luck to Cameron With His EU Blackmail: Marc Champion
©2015 Bloomberg View NXMFO06KLVR4 (Bloomberg View) — What will Britain’s Prime Minister David Cameron do if he fails to get all or some of the reforms he is demanding from the European Union? On Tuesday he threatened to lead the U.K. out of the union, but let’s hope he’s bluffing.
Dollar Stuck Near Decade High as Stocks Rally Falters
©2015 Bloomberg News NXMKT66JIJV9 (Bloomberg) — The dollar is stuck near a decade high against major counterparts as traders look to stocks as a gauge of risk sentiment to withstand higher U.S. interest rates. The greenback reached a six-month high against the euro Tuesday as markets price in the possibility
Apple Must Show IPhone Is Cutting Edge to Win Over India
©2015 Bloomberg News NXMKZT6JIJUV (Bloomberg) — Tim Cook will need to convince Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi that the iPhone is cutting edge if the Apple Inc. chief executive officer is to gain easier access to what will be the world’s second-largest smartphone market. The government on Tuesday said it
Ben Carson’s Character Is His 2016 Campaign: Francis Wilkinson
©2015 Bloomberg View NXKJ2B6JTSED (Bloomberg View) — In the race for the Republican nomination for president, Ben Carson and Donald Trump are basically co-leaders in the polls. For now, they dominate the Republican field. Carson is running an “outsider” campaign, has no significant experience in politics or government and reveals
Hedge Funds Raised Treasury Shorts by Most Since ’13 Before Jobs
©2015 Bloomberg News NXKIUS6K50Y8 (Bloomberg) — Hedge funds picked just the right time to boost bearish bets on Treasuries by the most since March 2013. Large speculators including hedge funds increased net short positions in 10-year notes by 128,601 contracts to 164,264 in the week ended Nov. 3, data from the Commodity Futures Trading
Emerging Markets Slump as Fed Seen Constricting Capital Flows
©2015 Bloomberg News NXKI0I6JIJV8 (Bloomberg) — Emerging-market currencies weakened for a fourth day and stocks slid to the lowest levels in a month as investors became increasingly convinced that the Federal Reserve to start raising U.S. interest rates as soon as next month, fanning concern that capital outflows from developing countries
Tech Execs Hide IDs to Avoid Getting Mobbed at Summit
©2015 Bloomberg News NXEO626K50Y4 (Bloomberg) — European startups are so hungry for cash that executives and would-be investors at this week’s Dublin Web Summit are concealing their ID badges and even taking refuge with reporters to avoid being accosted by desperate entrepreneurs. “It’s really crazy. You get people walking alongside you