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Business Headlines

©2016 Bloomberg View O15G456JTSE8 (Bloomberg View) — At its best, economics is the study of what makes people better off, and how they can have more of it. To be effective, though, economists may have to tackle a tougher question: what “better off”‘ really means. For much of the past

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Business Headlines

©2016 Bloomberg News O16C376JTSE8 (Bloomberg) — Treasury benchmark yields that fell to 2 percent this month are raising concern the U.S. economy is losing momentum. Yields have tumbled as a global stock-market rout, tumbling crude oil prices and falling inflation expectations combined to send money managers to the haven of

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Business Headlines

©2016 Bloomberg News O16AUI6KLVRF (Bloomberg) — Republican operatives are having a strange bromance with Bernie Sanders. During Sunday night’s Democratic debate, the Republican National Committee made the unusual move of sending no fewer than four real-time e-mails to reporters defending the self- described democratic socialist from attacks by Hillary Clinton.

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Business Headlines

©2016 Bloomberg News O14CGS6JIJUO (Bloomberg) — A rolling brawl between the two U.S. Republican presidential front-runners didn’t abate on Sunday as Donald Trump termed his closest competitor, Ted Cruz, “nasty” and the Texas senator stood his ground in criticizing the billionaire’s “New York values.” “He’s a nasty guy,” Trump said on

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Business Headlines

©2016 Bloomberg News O13WTI6JIJUO (Bloomberg) — As Iran emerges from a decade of international sanctions, its Gulf Arab rivals are facing their toughest economic predicament since the global financial crisis. Governments across the six-nation Gulf Cooperation Council are taking unprecedented measures to counter the slump in oil prices, curtailing some

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Business Headlines

©2016 Bloomberg News O147796TTDS0 (Bloomberg) — The commodity meltdown that pushed oil to a 12-year low and copper to the cheapest since 2009 isn’t over yet. At least, that’s how hedge funds see it. Money managers increased their combined net-bearish position across 18 raw materials to the biggest ever, doubling

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Business Headlines

©2016 Bloomberg News O0YXY86JIJUU (Bloomberg) — Risk was back in favor in Asia, with stocks rallying from a three-year low to extend the global equity rebound amid signs of stabilization in oil prices and Chinese markets. High-yielding currencies climbed, while sovereign debt retreated. Shares from Japan to South Korea tracked

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Business Headlines

©2016 Bloomberg News O0Z1M66K50Y1 (Bloomberg) — Republican presidential contender Ted Cruz should be disqualified from the race because he isn’t a “natural-born citizen,” a fellow Texan claims in a “birther” challenge filed against the senator in a U.S. court. The suit seeks a court definition of the term to clarify

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Business HeadlinesYour Money

©2016 Bloomberg View O0Y3V76KLVR7 JPMorgan JPMorgan tweeted its earnings this morning. They were good, at $1.32 per share, up quarter-on-quarter but down year-on-year, and “much of the improvement in profit came from continuing cuts to the bank’s expenses and work force.” Here are the press release, thepresentation and the financial supplement. Elsewhere in big

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Business Headlines

©2016 Bloomberg News O0X1C46KLVXR (Bloomberg) — It took just weeks of brutal fighting for Ahmed to realize that his journey from a working-class home in Tunisia’s capital to the battlefields of Syria had been a mistake. Radicalized at an unofficial Tunis mosque, Ahmed, then 24 years old, was helped into Syria by

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