Oil Drops From 3-Month High as Iran Seeks Output Boost Amid Glut
©2016 Bloomberg News O4088X6JTSEB (Bloomberg) — Oil fell from the highest settlement in more than three months as Iran reiterated plans to expand production amid a global glut. Futures decreased as much as 0.9 percent in New York after advancing 1.7 percent Friday. Brent crude was little changed. Iran plans

Four Republican Candidates and Their Four Big Myths: Paula Dwyer
©2016 Bloomberg View O3TUY46KLVRD (Bloomberg View) — In Donald Trump’s telling, Mexico, Japan and especially China are fleecing the U.S. because past presidents were inept negotiators and too timid to muscle America’s trading partners. But even if a President Trump could stop companies from offshoring or countries from manipulating currencies

Biden Says ‘We Will Act’ If Iran Violates Nuclear Agreement
©2016 Bloomberg News O3SMR66JIJV2 (Bloomberg) — U.S. Vice President Joe Biden sought to reassure Israel about the Iran nuclear accord it vehemently opposed, saying Washington will take action if the deal is violated. “I want to reiterate because I know people still doubt: If in fact they break the deal,

Asian Futures Signal Stock Losses as Yen Comes Back, Bonds Drop
©2016 Bloomberg News O3UKOZ6JTSEE (Bloomberg) — Asian stocks looked set to track losses in Europe, after the central bank’s unprecedented bolstering of monetary policy failed to ignite equity gains and instead boosted the euro. While sovereign debt retreated, the yen advanced. Shares in Australia and New Zealand dropped as Japanese
Matt Levine’s Money Stuff: Social Loans and Creeping Fraud
©2016 Bloomberg View O3RYS06KLVRB (Bloomberg View) — Future finance I am old enough to remember when companies like Social Finance Inc. were referred to as “peer-to-peer lenders.” The idea was, there was an online platform that made loans to people and then sold those loans to other people. It was

A Trump by Any Other Name — Like Drumpf — Can’t Sell Vodka
©2016 Bloomberg News O3SLLQ6TTDS0 (Bloomberg) — Donald Trump has trademarked “Success by Trump” cologne, the “Donald J. Trump Signature Collection” for luggage and shoe-shine kits, and he even held one for “Trump Steaks” until 2014. But comedian John Oliver may beat the real-estate mogul to the punch on another trademark:

Former Jeb Bush Supporter Boyden Gray Now Backing Ted Cruz
©2016 Bloomberg News O3SPN06JTSEG (Bloomberg) — Washington super-lawyer C. Boyden Gray, a longtime confidant of the Bush family who originally supported former Florida Governor Jeb Bush’s campaign, says he’s now supporting Ted Cruz because the Texas senator’s policies closely align with his legal views. The GOP establishment fixture believes a

Ex-JPMorgan Broker Gets 5 Years for Gambling Clients’ Funds Away
©2016 Bloomberg News O3QLDB6JIJUY (Bloomberg) — A former JPMorgan Chase & Co. broker who said he stole millions of dollars from customers because his brain was “hijacked” by an addiction to sports gambling was sentenced to five years in prison. Michael Oppenheim, who at one point had about 500 clients

U.S. Stocks Decline After S&P 500’s Longest Rally Since October
©2016 Bloomberg News O3QM5F6K50Y8 (Bloomberg) — U.S. stocks retreated from nine-week highs after worsening economic data from Asia reignited concern over the outlook for global growth. The Standard & Poor’s 500 Index was on track to halt its longest winning streak in five months as commodity shares and banks, pillars

Hillary Clinton’s Hubris Still Could Trip Her: Albert R. Hunt
©2016 Bloomberg View O3MKCM6JTSE8 (Bloomberg View) — Hillary Clinton could be in for some political peril. Sure, by winning 11 of the 17 contests since her New Hampshire drubbing, and running away with the delegate count, she’s not far from sewing up the Democratic presidential nomination. It’s the Republicans, not