The Rio de Janeiro Olympics Were Not a Disaster. Now What?
published Aug 21st 2016, 8:37 pm, by Jonathan Levin (Bloomberg) —It wasn’t perfect, but Rio de Janeiro pulled off the Olympics. For all the hand-wringing, the problems that affected Olympians and tourists were relatively benign. Olympic pool water turned green. Some stadiums were largely empty. A few visitors were mugged,

Saudi Crude and Refined-Product Exports Hit Seasonal Record
published Aug 18th 2016, 6:01 pm, by Wael Mahdi and Javier Blas (Bloomberg) — Saudi Arabia raised its combined crude oil and refined-product exports to 8.83 million barrels a day in June, the highest on record for that month and the latest sign of the expansion of the kingdom’s share

It’s Revenge of Weak Balance Sheets in S&P 500 as Stocks Hover
published Aug 18th 2016, 3:30 pm, by Joseph Ciolli (Bloomberg) — Add companies with shoddier finances to the list of U.S. stocks that have led the advance since February — a potentially bullish sign for investors waiting for the S&P 500 Index to snap out of its paralysis. Shares of

*What Exactly Is It That We’re All So Polarized Over?: Justin Fox
published Aug 17th 2016, 2:45 pm, by Justin Fox (Bloomberg View) — The political history of the U.S. from the late 1830s through the 1850s is one long tragedy. President after president struggled to hold together an increasingly polarized nation. None served more than one term, two died in office

China Creates New Economy Gauges of Innovation, Entrepreneurship
published Aug 17th 2016, 4:00 pm, by Bloomberg News (Bloomberg) — China is adding new instruments to its economic dashboard that will incorporate big data to help better track innovation and entrepreneurship in the new economy. Three indicators tracking innovation, entrepreneurship and the new economy are rolling out this year

Exxon Said to Slow Louisiana Refinery as People Escape Flood
published Aug 17th 2016, 6:14 pm, by Barbara Powell and Brian K. Sullivan (Bloomberg) — Exxon Mobil Corp. curbed operations at the fourth-largest U.S. refinery as record flooding in Louisiana shut roadways, sent tens of thousands fleeing from their homes and threatened the state’s oil infrastructure. The Baton Rouge refinery

Amazon Courts Women Entrepreneurs With Event to Boost Sales
published Aug 16th 2016, 8:17 pm, by Spencer Soper (Bloomberg) —Amazon.com Inc. is making an effort to woo more women entrepreneurs to its online marketplace, which attracts 300 million shoppers from 185 countries, by emphasizing the company’s global reach and tools for efficiently building a budding business. The company made

Share the View: Be Skeptical of Miracles, Economic and Otherwise
published Aug 15th 2016, 4:00 am, by Share the View (Bloomberg View) —There’s No Such Thing as an Economic Miracle It’s not exciting, but it’s true: Wealthy countries tend to get there through slow, steady growth, and today’s developing economies will probably be no exception. So for a glimpse into China’s economic future,

Traders Brace for More Turmoil in World’s Worst Equity Market
published Aug 16th 2016, 6:00 pm, by Roxana Zega (Bloomberg) —While most western-European markets have recovered from the Brexit shock, Italy still has a long way to go. With a looming referendum and an ongoing banking crisis, traders are paying up to hedge against more stock turbulence. Investors in the

Clinton Is Getting Away With Policy Malpractice: Paula Dwyer
published Aug 15th 2016, 7:30 am, by Paula Dwyer (Bloomberg View) — Hillary Clinton has given another fine speech about the economy. It was supposed to lay out her plans to create jobs, boost growth and restore income equality, in response to Donald Trump’s economic address a few days earlier.