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Business Headlines

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Business Headlines

published Sep 3rd 2016, 4:00 am, by Share the View (Bloomberg View) — Vladimir Putin Doesn’t Get U.S. Politics Russia’s president professes ignorance about the 2016 race. Is he bluffing? Leonid Berdshidsky says his claim could be an old intelligence officer’s trick designed to distance himself from the DNC leaks

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Business Headlines

published Sep 4th 2016, 9:48 am, by Michelle Jamrisko and Patricia Laya (Bloomberg) — Hillary Clinton is the most dishonest presidential candidate since Richard Nixon, Indiana Governor Mike Pence said a day after the FBI released a report on its investigation into the Democrat’s e-mail usage as secretary of state.

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Business Headlines

published Aug 24th 2016, 8:12 am, by Sahil Kapur and Jennifer Jacobs (Bloomberg) — Donald Trump is backing away from his call for mass deportations of undocumented immigrants, and even some of his rally-going supporters say they’re fine with it. If he wins the November election, the Republican presidential nominee

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Business Headlines

published Sep 1st 2016, 1:37 pm, by Noah Smith (Bloomberg View) — In the age of colonialism, there were mainly two kinds of countries: empires that controlled their economic destinies, and colonies, which were denied the chance to industrialize. After World War II and the end of colonialism, a different

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Business Headlines

published Sep 1st 2016, 5:00 pm, by The Editors (Bloomberg View) — Barack Obama and Xi Jinping have obvious disagreements over how to handle North Korea’s illicit weapons program. China is angry about U.S. plans to deploy advanced missile defenses in South Korea to counter the threat, while Obama faces

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Business HeadlinesYour Money

published Aug 31st 2016, 1:30 pm, by Suzanne Woolley (Bloomberg) — Retailers use Labor Day to sell us “elegant” fire pits and pom-poms for handbags (yes, an accessory for an accessory). That isn’t quite what the holiday is about. It’s about work. So instead of adding to debt or dipping

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Business Headlines

published Aug 31st 2016, 3:56 pm, by Natasha Doff and Matthew Kalman (Bloomberg) — Emerging-market stocks fell, trimming their third consecutive monthly gain, as declining commodity prices weighed on benchmark gauges in exporting nations from Russia to South Africa and Brazil. A 0.6 percent decline that pushed the MSCI Emerging

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Business Headlines

published Aug 31st 2016, 6:33 pm, by Kevin Cirilli and Eric Martin (Bloomberg) —Donald Trump and Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto downplayed differences and set aside harsh rhetoric after a meeting Wednesday in Mexico City that was a prelude to the Republican candidate’s speech on immigration later in the day.

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Business Headlines

published Aug 30th 2016, 1:19 pm, by Elizabeth Campbell (Bloomberg) — Chicago had its credit outlook raised by Fitch Ratings to stable because of the city’s work to shore up its retirement system and avert insolvency for the pensions that don’t have enough money to pay the benefits promised. “The

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Business Headlines

published Aug 30th 2016, 3:33 pm, by The Editors (Bloomberg View) — It shouldn’t qualify as news when a university says it strives to be an intellectually unsafe space that encourages unrestricted discussion. Yet the current climate on American campuses virtually guaranteed that a letter from the University of Chicago’s

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