Trump Eyes Easing Obama Rules for Sprawling Pipeline Network
published Feb 21st 2017, 6:00 pm, by Catherine Traywick and Laura Blewitt (Bloomberg) — The hints of a pipeline spill are subtle: the hiss of rushing fluid, a streak of rainbow sheen. Tucked far below ground, a ruptured line can escape notice for days or even weeks, especially in the

Equities Rally Stalls in Asia as Yen Strengthens: Markets Wrap
published Feb 21st 2017, 6:36 pm, by Adam Haigh (Bloomberg) — Bulls relinquished some of their grip on stocks as a global rally stalled in Asia and the yen strengthened. Japan’s Topix index briefly erased an early gain as the yen climbed, with equities in Sydney lower and Seoul’s Kospi

For $12,500, You Can Train With Olympic Medalists in France
published Feb 17th 2017, 5:51 am, by Chris Stokel-Walker (Bloomberg) — When the treadmill simply won’t do, there’s always another option — fly to France to be coached by Olympians. A new, five-day boot camp aimed at amateur — and well-heeled — triathletes, cyclists and runners offers the chance to

How Trump’s Approach May Alter Israeli-Palestinian Peace Efforts
published Feb 20th 2017, 4:00 pm, by Jonathan Ferziger (Bloomberg) — When U.S. President Donald Trump said Feb. 15 that Israelis and Palestinians could hash out for themselves whether the answer to their decades-old conflict is one state or two, he resuscitated an option previous administrations had buried. Below is

Where Crony Capitalism Rises, Prosperity Falls: Matthew Winkler
published Feb 20th 2017, 5:15 pm, by Matthew Winkler (Bloomberg View) — With populists emulating autocrats from Azerbaijan to Zimbabwe, free markets are being forced to confront crony capitalism. One response is visible in the reversal of fortunes of Malaysia and Indonesia. The two nations still wrestle with the politics

Mideast Can’t Agree What One-State Solution Means: Noah Feldman
published Feb 16th 2017, 1:05 pm, by Noah Feldman (Bloomberg View) — For the last several years it has been increasingly common to hear Israelis and Palestinians alike say that the two-state solution to their struggles is dead and that the time has come to discuss a one-state solution. U.S.

How Economists Are Fueling the Worldwide Debate Over Refugees
published Feb 16th 2017, 11:01 pm, by Michelle Jamrisko (Bloomberg) — As nations the world over struggle to accommodate, or stem, the flow of a record number of migrants, economists are trying to make sense of the surge in data on how both refugees and the communities they land in

Priebus Says No Known Trump-Related Contacts With Russian Agents
published Feb 19th 2017, 12:53 pm, by Margaret Talev (Bloomberg) — Reince Priebus said Donald Trump and his advisers are not aware of any contacts between the president’s associates and Russian agents during the 2016 election campaign. “We don’t know of any contacts with Russian agents,” Priebus said on NBC’s

Boeing, SpaceX Safety Risks May Delay U.S. Astronaut Travel
published Feb 16th 2017, 3:25 pm, by Dana Hull (Bloomberg) — Boeing Co. and Space Exploration Technologies Corp. won’t be certified this year to send astronauts to space and may be delayed into 2019 because of potential safety hazards, according to U.S. investigators. Boeing parachute systems haven’t been adequately evaluated

Failing Dam Is a Symbol of U.S. Infrastructure: Barry Ritholtz
published Feb 16th 2017, 1:15 pm, by Barry Ritholtz (Bloomberg View) — The sorry state of American infrastructure is once again our focus. This time the peg is the Oroville Dam in California. It is the U.S.’s tallest dam, and it is in trouble. An emergency spillway was damaged, causing