Cashing In on Global Threats Lures Investors to New Nordic Fund
published Mar 5th 2017, 5:00 pm, by Niclas Rolander and Niklas Magnusson (Bloomberg) — There’s a new Nordic buyout fund that’s drawing in investors eager to make money by responding to demographic and climate-related threats. Summa Equity, which was created by private equity veterans from Sweden and Norway, closed its

U.S. Trade War Hit Would Spread Beyond China Stocks, Nomura Says
published Mar 5th 2017, 9:20 pm, by Bloomberg News (Bloomberg) — The collateral damage from any U.S.-China trade fight would likely spread far beyond the markets of Asia’s largest economy, according to Nomura Holdings Inc. Among the top 25 exporters from China to the U.S., more than 80 percent are

A Major Proponent of H-1B Visa Reform Loses Patience With Trump
published Mar 5th 2017, 8:51 pm, by Joshua Brustein (Bloomberg) — For a decade, U.S. Senator Richard Durbin has wanted to reform a program that is alternatively seen as a necessary way for technology companies to hire technical experts and a boondoggle that outsourcers use to exploit foreign labor. Durbin,

This Labradoodle Is Ruining My Credit Score
published Mar 2nd 2017, 11:00 am, by Patrick Clark (Bloomberg) — After her family’s shiba inu died of cancer, Dawn Sabins decided to surprise her 7-year-old son with a new puppy. In March 2015, she dropped into a San Diego-area pet store looking for an English bulldog. She walked out

Trump Says He Has Confidence in Sessions as Questions Mount
published Mar 2nd 2017, 3:04 pm, by Justin Sink, Jennifer Jacobs and Shannon Pettypiece (Bloomberg) — President Donald Trump said he has “total” confidence in Attorney General Jeff Sessions and sees no need for Sessions to recuse himself from any investigation of Russian meddling in U.S. politics. Trump voiced his

BlackRock and Fidelity Are Caught in a Pressure Cooker: Gadfly
published Mar 2nd 2017, 6:30 am, by Lisa Abramowicz (Bloomberg Gadfly) — Pressure is rising for the biggest asset managers to significantly change the way they do business. Behemoth investment firms, from Fidelity to Vanguard to BlackRock, are locked in fierce competition to attract assets, even if that means dropping

Investors Should Buckle Up for Rapid Growth: A. Gary Shilling
published Feb 28th 2017, 5:00 am, by Gary Shilling (Bloomberg View) — Most forecasters believe the Trump administration’s estimates of 3 percent to 3.5 percent annual real gross domestic product growth in the next decade are far too rosy. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office foresees 1.9 percent per year between

Trump to Urge Americans to Abandon `Small Thinking’ and Fights
published Feb 28th 2017, 7:16 pm, by Justin Sink, Margaret Talev and Jennifer Jacobs (Bloomberg) — President Donald Trump will emphasize in his first address to Congress three of the central themes that animated his presidential campaign and are the main thrusts of his early days in office: bolstering immigration

Dollar, U.S. Futures Pare Gains as Trump Speaks: Markets Wrap
published Feb 28th 2017, 8:43 pm, by Adam Haigh and Livia Yap (Bloomberg) — The dollar pared gains with U.S. stock futures as investors searched for new details of Donald Trump’s economic strategy during his speech to Congress. The Bloomberg Dollar Spot Index pulled back from a 0.4 percent gain,

Worker Shortage Drives Japanese Companies Into Child Care
published Feb 27th 2017, 8:36 pm, by Yoshiaki Nohara (Bloomberg) — Faced with a shortage of workers, Japanese companies are taking matters into their own hands, helping the government fix a chronic lack of day care that is blunting efforts to get more women into the workforce. Nichiigakkan Co., which