Don’t Expect Health Coverage If You Survive a Gunshot Wound
published Jul 6th 2017, 2:37 pm, by Suzanne Woolley (Bloomberg) —Among gunshot survivors, 51-year-old House Majority Whip Steve Scalise is an outlier. Such victims are more likely to be low-earning black men between the ages of 15 and 24. Scalise, who is white, does share one fundamental characteristic with these younger men: Being shot means

Trump Lawyers Ask Hawaii Court to Stay Out of Travel Ban
published Jul 3rd 2017, 10:28 pm, by Kartikay Mehrotra (Bloomberg) — The Justice Department asked critics of President Donald Trump’s travel ban to leave questions about the scope of the immigration restrictions to the U.S. Supreme Court. The State of Hawaii is challenging the government’s enforcement of the administration’s

Trump Sees Existential Threat to West From Terror, Bureaucracy
published Jul 6th 2017, 1:09 pm, by Margaret Talev and Toluse Olorunnipa (Bloomberg) —President Donald Trump told a Warsaw crowd Thursday that Western nations must stand up to the twin evils of terrorism and stifling government bureaucracies that squelch individual liberty — or risk perishing from the Earth. In a

Poland Set to Buy Patriot Missile System as Trump Visits Warsaw
published Jul 5th 2017, 4:10 pm, by Wojciech Moskwa (Bloomberg) —Poland’s government agreed to buy the Patriot missile defense system from the U.S., Polish state news agency PAP reported on Wednesday as President Donald Trump started his 16-hour visit to Warsaw. In March, Polish Defense Minister Antoni Macierewicz said he

World’s Top Gold Forecaster Sees Bulls Heading for Heartbreak
published Jul 5th 2017, 8:46 pm, by Susanne Barton and Ranjeetha Pakiam (Bloomberg) —For top gold forecaster BNP Paribas SA, bullion bulls are up against a clear and present danger — the U.S. Federal Reserve. The central bank’s plan to raise interest rates again this year while potentially reducing its

U.S. Threatens Trade With Countries Over Support for North Korea
published Jul 5th 2017, 4:50 pm, by Nick Wadhams and Kambiz Foroohar (Bloomberg) —The U.S. threatened trade ties with countries that continue to do business with North Korea following Pyongyang’s test of an intercontinental ballistic missile, a warning to China and other nations the administration says aren’t doing enough to

What Stock Investors Need to Know, and Why: Mohamed A. El-Erian
published Jul 3rd 2017, 1:00 am, by Mohamed A. El-Erian (Bloomberg View) — With attractive returns such as haven’t been seen for quite a few years, investors in global stock markets have had a very good first half of 2017. Record levels for several widely followed country indexes occurred

Nigeria Taps Microsoft to Oracle to Recover From Recession
published Jul 4th 2017, 8:42 am, by Yinka Ibukun and Solape Renner (Bloomberg) —Nigeria is hiring U.S. technology giants such as Oracle Corp. and Microsoft Corp. as the government invests more to save costs and fight corruption. An initiative led by Redwood, California-based Oracle has enabled Nigerian authorities to remove

Kim Seeks to Exploit U.S.-China Tensions With Missile Claims
published Jul 4th 2017, 12:56 pm, by Andy Sharp, David Tweed and Ting Shi (Bloomberg) —When Kim Jong Un gave the order for what North Korea claims to be its first successful intercontinental ballistic missile test, he knew it would ruffle feathers in Washington and Beijing. He may have even

Israel Trip a Sign of Modi’s Shifting Foreign Policy Calculus
published Jul 3rd 2017, 5:00 pm, by Iain Marlow, N. C. Bipindra and Michael S. Arnold (Bloomberg) — Looking for new agriculture technology as well as high-tech weapons to fuel his military modernization program, Narendra Modi is making a landmark trip to Israel, the first by a sitting Indian prime