White House Is Said to Worry About Kim’s Olympics Propaganda Bid
published Jan 23, 2018 4:17:49 PM, by Margaret Talev (Bloomberg) — U.S. Vice President Mike Pence will take a higher-profile approach to attending the Winter Olympics in South Korea next month to help counter what a White House official called North Korea’s propaganda efforts at the games. Concerned about North

Matt Levine’s Money Stuff: Not Everyone Likes CDS Creativity
published Jan 18, 2018 8:39:36 AM, by Matt Levine (Bloomberg View) – Hovnanian. We have talked a few times recently about Hovnanian Enterprises Inc., which got favorable financing from Blackstone Group’s GSO Capital Partners through some credit-default-swap market machinations. GSO had bought CDS protection that would pay off if Hovnanian defaulted. Hovnanian will refinance its

After Bankruptcy, Who Will Save the East Coast’s Oldest Refiner?
published Jan 22, 2018 5:21:23 PM, by Laura Blewitt and Mario Parker (Bloomberg) — After nearly 150 years in business, the biggest oil refinery east of the Mississippi River has operated through the Great Depression, two world wars and the 1970s Saudi oil embargo. It’s faced more than one shutdown.

Netflix Value Tops $100 Billion, Matches Goldman Sachs, Qualcomm
published Jan 22, 2018 7:07:10 PM, by Lucas Shaw (Bloomberg) — Netflix Inc. surged in late trading after a blow-out quarter, vaulting past $100 billion in market value for the first time to put the video service on a lofty perch with the likes of Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and

Sellers Want to Sell, Buyers Want to Buy: Emerging Bond Boom
published Jan 22, 2018 7:50:48 PM, by Lyubov Pronina, Lilian Karunungan and Selcuk Gokoluk (Bloomberg) — Emerging markets are racking up bond sales at a record pace this year as issuers scramble to lock in low yields before the Federal Reserve’s next interest-rate increase. 1. The Tally so Far Borrowers

As Trump Shreds Global Trade Deals, Xi Basks in `Davos Man’ Role
published Jan 18, 2018, 5:00:00 PM, by Enda Curran and Nick Wadhams (Bloomberg) — If one needed a reminder of how surreal the globalization debate has become in recent years, look no further than the talking salons of Davos. Donald Trump and Xi Jinping, whose countries account for about 40

Digital Eyewear, 3D Holograms Challenge Hidebound Med Schools
published Jan 21, 2018, 3:00:01 PM, by Jason Gale (Bloomberg) — Shafi Ahmed dons a pair of digital sunglasses and explains how the tiny lenses built into its black plastic frame, which can capture high-resolution images, are transforming how doctors get trained in operating rooms. The British colorectal surgeon used

Cryptocurrency Markets Aren’t All the Same: Leonid Bershidsky
published Jan 21, 2018, 4:00:10 PM, by Leonid Bershidsky (Bloomberg View) — There’s a compelling reason to consider what’s going on with cryptocurrencies a purely speculative boom-and-bust roller-coaster: Over a three-month period, the prices of all the top coins and tokens are rather strongly correlated, going up and down in

Trump to Protect Religious Health Workers Who Oppose Abortion
published Jan 18, 2018, 1:13:54 PM, by Zachary Tracer and Ivan Levingston (Bloomberg) — The Trump administration is moving to protect health-care workers who object to providing certain treatments, such as abortion or sterilization, for moral or religious reasons. The civil-rights office at the Department of Health and Human Services is

Saudi Arabia Says There’s No Evidence It Aided 9/11 Plot
published Jan 18, 2018, 3:44:32 PM, by Bob Van Voris (Bloomberg) — Saudi Arabia asked a U.S. judge to throw out lawsuits claiming it helped al-Qaeda carry out the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, arguing the victims haven’t provided any evidence to back their cases. Michael Kellogg, a lawyer for the