Trump Says U.S. and North Korea Had Direct `High Level’ Talks
published Apr 17, 2018 3:15:52 PM, by Toluse Olorunnipa and Margaret Talev (Bloomberg) — President Donald Trump said the U.S. and North Korea have already had direct talks at “extremely high levels” in advance of a planned meeting between the two nations’ leaders this summer. The U.S. has “started talking

Starbucks to Temporarily Shut 8,000-Plus Cafes for Bias Training
published Apr 17, 2018 1:15:38 PM, by Leslie Patton (Bloomberg) — Starbucks Corp. is temporarily closing more than half of its domestic stores next month so employees can undergo racial-bias training, a response to the arrest of two black men at one of its cafes in Philadelphia. The coffee chain

SpaceX Will Make Massive, Mars-Bound `BFR’ Rocket at L.A. Port
published Apr 16, 2018, 5:10:28 PM, by Dana Hull (Bloomberg) — Elon Musk’s Space Exploration Technologies Corp. will build its giant in-development rocket, nicknamed “BFR,” at the Port of Los Angeles. “Officially announcing that SpaceX will start production development of the Big Falcon Rocket in the Port of L.A.,” Los

Netflix Proves It Can Raise Prices Without Losing Customers
published Apr 16, 2018, 6:30:37 PM, by Lucas Shaw (Bloomberg) — Netflix Inc. used to worry it would alienate customers by raising prices for its streaming service. Not any more. The company posted its strongest subscriber growth since going public 16 years ago, despite raising prices for most of its

Reality Check for a Superstar Saudi Prince: Albert R. Hunt
published Apr 15, 2018, 9:00:13 AM, by Albert R. Hunt (Bloomberg View) — For three weeks ending last weekend in Texas, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman was the most celebrated foreign leader to visit the U.S. since China’s Deng Xiaoping almost 40 years ago. MBS, as he’s called, was

Rise of ‘Gray’ Divorce Is Forcing a Financial Reckoning After 50
published Apr 13, 2018, 4:00:11 AM, by Suzanne Woolley (Bloomberg) — For some, it means liberation. For others, loss. For women in particular, the doubling of the divorce rate for the 50-plus crowd since the 1990s can mean something far more prosaic: a need to shoulder the big financial decisions

`Shockingly Weak’ Cattle Market Means Cheap Burgers This Summer
published Apr 15, 2018, 3:00:00 PM, by Lydia Mulvany (Bloomberg) — When this seemingly never-ending winter finally gives way to warmer weather, here’s one more thing to look forward to: beef is likely to be cheaper for summer grilling. Cattle futures have been sliding as market watchers expect a landslide

Russia Gambles That Its Debt Is Too Popular for U.S. to Sanction
published Apr 15, 2018, 4:00:01 PM, by Evgenia Pismennaya and Ksenia Galouchko (Bloomberg) — The popularity of Russian bonds among foreign investors might seem to make them vulnerable if U.S. sanctions force a mass exodus. For the besieged nation’s debt chief, it’s Russia’s best insurance against any future penalties. “Perhaps

Sorry, Illinois, Your Taxes Aren’t Going Down Anytime Soon
published Apr 12, 2018, 9:45:11 AM, by Elizabeth Campbell (Bloomberg) — Illinois residents could enjoy lower taxes if their squabbling leaders tackle the debt-riddled state’s biggest problem — its massively underfunded pension system. But that’s a big if. Republican Governor Bruce Rauner, who’s running for re-election this year, says he

A Sign of Hope for the Trans-Pacific Partnership: Editorial
published Apr 12, 2018, 6:40:13 PM, by The Editors (Bloomberg View) — Nobody expects a coherent and consistent trade policy from President Donald Trump. But sometimes incoherence and inconsistency are to be welcomed. Trump has apparently directed his trade advisers to explore rejoining the Trans-Pacific Partnership. This instruction contradicts much