Walt Alexander
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Walt Alexander

Walt Alexander is the editor-in-chief of Men of Value. Learn more about his vision for the online magazine for American men with the American values—faith, family & freedom—in his Welcome from the Editor.


Several years ago, after the tsunami hit in the Indian Ocean, a friend and I were having a conversation. He had gone to Sri Lanka and had done some volunteer work to help out the people there. I was telling him some of my troubles and he told me that

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(heat it up and add some vanilla ice cream on the side) You will see on the Bloomberg Business section of the website that we followed the story of the Japanese hostages pretty closely. It was something that I found really troubling. The Muslim religion says that when you die,

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I was walking outside to get a sandwich yesterday when I saw a particular billboard. It was one of those billboards from those angry atheists in Wisconsin, the Freedom From Religion Foundation. It was not such a shocker to see it as I thought it was going to be, actually

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As we think about Marin Luther King this week, we need to consider his earthly reward. For answering the call that God called him to he was beaten, imprisoned, and finally executed. He did not receive glorious riches for his obedience. Instead he received an abundance of faith, hope, and

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When Jesus was here on earth, in the flesh, many people saw him and interacted with him but arrived at different views of him. They touched him, they saw him, they heard him, they probably smelled him too.  Some saw him as a prophet or some heard him as a

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George Washington is our first man of value, for this publication and for this country. He embodies our American Judeo-Christian values of faith, family, and freedom. Therefore, it is fitting to start our devotional section with some words from his first inaugural address: “…it would be peculiarly improper to omit

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