Walt Alexander
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Walt Alexander

Walt Alexander is the editor-in-chief of Men of Value. Learn more about his vision for the online magazine for American men with the American values—faith, family & freedom—in his Welcome from the Editor.


I have been asked repeatedly to make my blog more controversial by addressing gay marriage and other wonderful topics and giving my opinion about them. Though I intend to address gay marriage and homosexuality in general in THIS blog, I do not intend to give my personal opinion about them

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Jim's Blog

Turns out that the United States Food and Drug Administration has given its stamp of approval on a number of new varieties of genetically modified (GMO) apples and potatoes. The agency evaluated two varieties of GMO apples from Okanagan Specialty Fruits, Inc. in Canada and six varieties of genetically modified

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(pic by NikoS92, www.deviantart.com) I am child of the 80s, having arrived at the age of 12 in 1980. I was a fan of punk rock music and all the angry young man/society ripping things of the Clash, the Ramones, the Dead Kennedys and similar bands. I never got my

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MEN OF VALUE INTERVIEW: COLEMAN LUCK By James Riordan Coleman Luck is widely known in Hollywood circles as an extremely talented writer and producer who was a major force behind the success of The Equalizer and the creator of three other television series – The Burning Zone, Matrix and Gabriel’s

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Sometimes in my more nostalgic moments, my mind drifts to my old college days and how I often wondered what the future would be like. The Book of Isaiah is known for predicting the future too, especially the coming of Christ. I often think about the descriptions of Jesus in

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The Pew report (http://www.pewforum.org/2015/05/12/chapter-1-the-changing-religious-composition-of-the-u-s/) released earlier this year did not have the reaction I thought it would. Though there were mentions of it on the news and radio, nothing was said of it at my church on Sunday and I did not see any people running the streets holding “The End

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This past weekend I went to Wheaton Academy in West Chicago to see Ballet 5:8 Present the Story of Daniel in Belteshazzar: A Perilous Tale (http://www.ballet58.org/performances/belteshazzar-a-perilous-tale-chicago-west-suburbs/2015). It was a ballet of the story of Daniel with an all-female cast.  It was really good and I recommend seeing it if you

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  Devotional: AVENGERS ASSEMBLE I am very excited about the upcoming Avengers: Age of Ultron movie. I can’t wait to see them all back in action! As I have stated before, I am a big fan of Marvel comics and movies. However, this week’s blog is not about Iron Man,

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I was looking the other day at my childhood friend Mick’s mother, Sherry, on Facebook. She was giving a hug to my other friend Bob. Bob and Mick and I and others used to hang out. It was funny because Bob now has a white beard and a potbelly. He

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A few weeks ago, I was talking to a person whom I have known for a long time and who lives far away. He was telling me about his son who is 32 and whom he feels is not “growing up” at the correct pace. His son is not married

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