Putting Principle First, But Not Regarding Trump: Albert R. Hunt
published Jun 19th 2016, 10:38 am, by Albert R. Hunt (Bloomberg View) — There have not been two more prominent conservative activists over the past quarter century than Grover Norquist, the anti-tax and anti-government advocate, and Ralph Reed, a leading strategist for the religious right. Both profess to put principles
Trump Campaign Tries to Get Its Act Together: Margaret Carlson
published Jul 18th 2016, 2:46 pm, by Margaret Carlson (Bloomberg View) — Finally, the Donald Trump campaign has something that resembles a headquarters: a pop-up office at the Westin Hotel in Cleveland. Walk through the lobby and they are all there, the people you were told existed — or would
Obama Says $400 Million Cash Payment to Iran Wasn’t Ransom
published Aug 4th 2016, 4:30 pm, by Justin Sink (Bloomberg) — President Barack Obama said Thursday that $400 million in cash airlifted to Iran in January didn’t represent a ransom payment to secure the freedom of four detained Americans released the same day, and wasn’t a secret. “We were completely
What the West Doesn’t Get About Terror: Clive Crook
published Jul 19th 2016, 2:00 am, by Clive Crook (Bloomberg View) — The latest terrorist atrocity in France — the country’s third mass-casualty attack in 18 months — demands more than sympathy and solidarity. It calls for a clearer understanding of the threat facing much of the West for the
Emerging-Market Assets Retreat as Global Stimulus Optimism Fades
published Aug 3rd 2016, 4:06 pm, by Sunny Oh and Maria Levitov (Bloomberg) — Emerging-market stocks fell the most in four weeks and currencies weakened amid deepening concern that central bank stimulus from Japan to Europe and the U.S. won’t be enough to support global growth. The Borsa Istanbul 100
Tax Reform Means a Fresh Start for India’s Economy: Editorial
published Aug 3rd 2016, 9:02 pm, by The Editors (Bloomberg View) — The tax reform just approved by India’s parliament could transform the country’s economy. Talked about for years, the plan would replace a crazy jumble of national, state and local taxes with an integrated value-added tax. If well-executed, the
A Year After Crash, China Has New Bubbles, Old Tools: Tom Orlik
published Aug 2nd 2016, 7:03 pm, by Tom Orlik (Bloomberg View) — The collapse of China’s stock markets a year ago was eye-catching, but in the end, hardly earth-shattering. Despite the pain for millions of retail investors, the fact is that stocks remain a small part of the financial system
U.S. Stocks Fall Most in Four Weeks Amid Renewed Growth Worries
published Aug 2nd 2016, 3:31 pm, by Anna-Louise Jackson and Bailey Lipschultz (Bloomberg) — U.S. stocks declined the most in four weeks, as sliding crude prices and lackluster consumer spending data revived anxiety that global growth will falter. Equities narrowly avoided their worst day since the selloff following Britain’s vote
Why Americans Think Crime Is Worse Than It Is: Justin Fox
published Aug 2nd 2016, 11:40 am, by Justin Fox (Bloomberg View) — Crime is on the rise everywhere, except in the crime statistics. That’s not quite right: The number of homicides in the 50 largest cities in the U.S. did rise 17 percent in 2015, with some cities seeing further
Sanders Fans, Your Shouting Will Not Protect You: Megan McArdle
published Jul 26th 2016, 1:03 pm, by Megan McArdle (Bloomberg View) — The logistical organization of the Democratic National Convention seems to be, as many journalists have commented, a Dumpster fire. Luckily for Democrats, the overwhelming majority of Americans are not attending the convention, and nor are they likely to