Walt Alexander
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Walt Alexander

Walt Alexander is the editor-in-chief of Men of Value. Learn more about his vision for the online magazine for American men with the American values—faith, family & freedom—in his Welcome from the Editor.


You may be an expert in kayaking and fishing but kayak fishing is totally a different thing. For modern day rods, kayak fishing is an enjoyable sport as it adds nature-friendly and noise & pollution free experience to the traditional fishing methods.

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FashionLooking Good

Aging is a progressive physiological process wherein the course of time degenerates all organs’ quality and functionality. Skin is one of the organs which exhibits conspicuous signs of aging once you are past the prime age of 20s and 30s. The rapid dwindling of collagen and elastic fibers in our skin manifests in various undesirable forms like wrinkles and skin sagging.

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bionic eye
Business Headlines

More businesses than ever are recognising the power of the online marketplace. The internet offers unrivalled opportunities to connect with potential clients and customers, share your message, and convert interest to sales.

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Business Headlines

All of us are dreaming to become millionaires someday, and human nature has provided us with the ability to make decisions. However, how to make these decisions are all up to us.

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Business Headlines

• Productivity is Microsoft’s key buzzword, and this also contributed to its success

What Made Microsoft So Successful?

One of the critical things that made Microsoft a successful business is because of the company’s standards. Bill Gates founded Microsoft in 1975, and they have the resilience and ability to respond to changing technologies, business opportunities, and market demand. Moreover, they revolutionized how we live.

Bottom Line

There are lots of lessons from Bill Gates’s success story. His incredible vision has marked his career. Nonetheless, Microsoft beat out the competition mainly as the company focus on innovation. Today, Microsoft has shifted away from consumer tech to becoming advertising-based online services.

Do you have what it takes to be a Millionaire?

The good news is you don’t need to have College degree to be Millionaire. What you need is just street-smart education to acquire the Millionaire Mindset and finally implement the Millionaire Strategies.

You can sign up at https://theauthornor.net/sign-up to access FREE E-book on the SECRETS used by Millionaires to become one, and also receive more offers and information on new releases, as well as contact me directly!

Article source: http://articlebiz.com

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I have been writing screenplays since the late 1990s. I was inspired when I became tired and bored with the movies that were out there. I decided to write and imagine one I wanted to see and that would thrill me. My early attempts were modest to say the least.

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The need for an accurate, trustworthy, and efficient news website has been creeping up since the last decade. As the name suggests FairPlay News has managed to hold its place as one of the most reliable news websites out there that you can access to get updated on the latest sports news available. Although FairPlay News is an official title sponsor of the Maratha Arabians, a team taking part in the upcoming Abu Dhabi T10 league, and the sport they are mostly focusing on is cricket, there is still ample information on other sports such as tennis and football and others.

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Women and Family

Couples separation, whether legal or physical, does not always mean it will lead to divorce. There are many cases where a separation means a time for renewed commitment and forgiveness. In most instances, couples separate with the hope of saving their marriage. It works sometime. After all, getting off an antagonistic and painful experience could give you sufficient perspective to go back in each other’s arms after several weeks or months and work things out.

Aside from the emotional aspects of couples separation, there are logistical problems that must obviously be considered. You will have to establish a new home, contend with financial matters as well as issues that are related to household responsibilities and children. It is vital that a couple who is considering separation sit down and decide on such issues. Who will be taking care of the children? How will conjugal financial issues be dealt with? Not taking care of such issues beforehand can turn them into lingering issues during the separation. This will make it difficult to be objective and assess the relationship.

Couples separation is a period where a couple can retire into separate corners and consider the issues that both are having in the relationship. They could consider their individual feelings and honestly think about the realities of divorce or reconciliation. If you are really trying to rebuild the union, it is vital that a line of communication between you and your spouse be kept open. It is as vital that you give yourself time and space, which is necessary in regrouping and sorting things out. Try finding the balance between spending energy and time on strengthening and making yourself more decisive and working out your marital issues. In addition, you should always consider the value of a counselor or family therapist in bringing a successful resolution to your situation.

There are cases where couples separation is more about creating a transition that is less severe than divorce, and less about relationship evaluation. If you, your spouse or both of you definitely decided that you no longer want to be in the marriage and are not willing to work on it, it should be communicated. It is not fair to keep such feelings back simply because you are afraid of eliciting a reaction or you feel guilty. The couples separation will not be able to gauge the potential and strength of your marriage accurately if both you and your spouse are not honest with each other.

Alexander Naz is a trial separation expert. For more information on couples separation, visit [http://marriagetrialseparationblog.org](http://marriagetrialseparationblog.org)

Article source: http://articlebiz.com

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FoodLooking Good

Sometimes, there is a lingering feeling that Mexican food isn’t the healthiest choice of food. But, did you know certain ingredients can improve your health while enjoying this delicious cuisine? Here we’ve listed a few health benefits of eating Mexican food at one of the best Mexican restaurants in Seattle./

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Business Headlines

You can advertise on TikTok

The most experienced marketers use a combination of these methods to achieve success.

One of the best marketing strategies on TikTok is the hashtag challenge. We have already mentioned this previously, and we will discuss it here again because it can really work well for you.

You need to come up with a challenge that will motivate TikTok users to participate and has a degree of difficulty. Never add a hashtag challenge that is so easy that everyone can do it. It is hardly a challenge then, is it?

It is also important that you create a memorable hashtag for your challenge. It needs to relate to the challenge and be something that people will easily remember. When you are thinking about your challenge you need to focus on how it will be something fun to do and tie in with your brand at the same time.

The best challenges offer the user flexibility. This means that they can come up with their own ideas on how to complete the challenge. Never provide precise instructions on how to complete a challenge. Just give the users the basics and let them come up with their own solutions.

We have told you that the Duet feature is really popular so think about how you can use this to your advantage. You want to create a video that a lot of people will want to react to by creating their own videos and using the Duet feature. Here are some suggestions for Duet videos:

Users can hold a conversation with your video

Users can sing to your video

Users can give you a high five

Users can finish your sentences

The possibilities are almost endless here. So get thinking because TikTok users really like the Duet feature and if you come up with some good ideas you will get a ton of engagement through these.

A great way to spread the word about your brand and products is to use TikTok influencers. It will be a lot easier for you to identify the good influencers on TikTok now as the platform is fairly new.

There are TikTok influencers that have millions of followers already. When you are looking for the right influencer always think about authenticity. Are they a good fit for your brand? If an influencer doesn’t think that your brand is a good fit for them then they will turn you down on TikTok. On other platforms, they may not do this.

Tell your influencer that you want them to showcase your product in some way. Let them work out the best way to do this and create some videos which you can choose from. Never try to impose your thoughts for videos on a TikTok influencer.

Make it your mission to build a community on TikTok. Don’t just create one hashtag challenge and then just leave it at that. Think about the tone that you want to create around your brand and build your community around this.

One of the most effective strategies with TikTok is to encourage users to create their own content. Hashtag challenges do this as do Duet opportunities. TikTok users want to participate and get involved. So think about how you can give them the opportunity to participate around your brand.

Your goal with user-generated content is to encourage users that like and connect with your brand to create and share videos of themselves using or interacting with your products in some way. When you can achieve this you will get a ton of engagement.

After you have created videos and posted them on TikTok then post them on your other social media channels too. Right now compilations of TikTok videos are very popular on YouTube for example. These will work well on Facebook and other platforms as well.

Step#8: use TikTok analytics

It is very important that you understand how well your TikTok profile is performing. Also, you need to know which of your videos are performing the best and which are underperforming. There is an easy way to do this using the analytics built into the TikTok platform.

You can drill down with TikTok analytics to see useful metrics for each one of your video posts. This is useful to assess whether the content was good or not, whether you used the right hashtags, and so on.

Then there is your following. Is it growing or declining? Where are your followers from? TikTok analytics will show you all of this. It will tell you which countries your followers are from on a percentage basis. You can use this information to see how followers from certain countries resonate with your content.

With the Content Insights section, you can get the richest information about all of your video posts. You can see how many of your videos trended on the “For You” page for example and what the result of this was in terms of views and likes.

Here is the information that you can get on each of your video posts:

Total hearts (likes) for the post

Total comments for the post

Total shares for the post

Total video play time

Total video views

The Average watch time

Sources of traffic

Audience territories

With Total hearts (likes) for the post

Total comments for the post

Total shares for the post

Total video play time

Total video views

The Average watch time

Sources of traffic

Audience territories

With TikTok analytics, you can see what has happened in your account over a 7 day or 28-day period. When you examine your profile performance you can work out how long it takes users who are new to your content to follow you on average. This will make predicting the results of specific marketing campaigns a lot easier.

I write about the ways to make money online methods- I hope I am bringing value to this community.

Need more TikTok strategies? Grab your Free TikTok marketing e-book here: www.freeebook-tiktokmarketing.ck.page

Also, discover TikTok Marketing For Business Program here www.bit.ly/2YNPYHf to learn the best strategies that marketers use to make money on TikTok

Article source: http://articlebiz.com

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