Eleven People Killed in a Mass Shooting at the Pittsburgh Synagogue : A Well Thought Out Scream by James Riordan
On Saturday morning, eleven people were shot at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, PA. Worshippers had gathered at the synagogue, in the Squirrel Hill neighborhood for a baby naming ceremony during the Sabbath. According to reports, the suspect, who has been officially identified as Robert Bowers, 46, a white

8 Things You Need To Know Before You Start A Low Carb Diet
A low carb diet may not be right for you. Tailor your diet to suit your specific body and lifestyle needs. By Anne Halifax Low-carb diets are all the rage right now. You probably know at least one person who’s doing keto, the paleo diet, or another low-carb

State Tells Christian Filmmakers: Make Same-Sex Marriage Films or Spend 90 Days in Jail : A Well Thought Out Scream by James Riordan
Freedom of choice is an America right, one of the pillars of our nation. There must be some limits on that freedom, however. Your freedom of choice can not take away another person’s freedom of choice. Obviously, you can’t have the freedom to kill whomever you want because that takes

Pastor Freed From Turkish Prison and Returns to U.S.After Trump Intervenes : A Well Thought Out Scream by James Riordan
This past July I wrote about the plight of pastor Andrew Brunson who had been unjustly imprisoned in Turkey since October of 2016. Brunson was jailed after being scooped up in a crackdown of Turkish President Erdogan’s political opponents in the wake of an attempted coup. He lost fifty pounds

11 Foods That Will Help Keep You Full
Follow These Tips For Healthy Eating Habits To Stay Fit And Trim By Carlton Ryan Many of us eat too much. The average person would be healthier if they ate less everyday. Of course, doing so is hard. Among the myriad difficulties is hunger. If you try to eat

Taylor Force Act Reduces U.S. Funding to Palestine Until the Country Stops Rewarding Terrorists : A Well Thought Out Scream by James Riordan
So all this time Americans have thought that suicide bombers and other terrorists from the Mid-East were sacrificing their lives so that they would be rewarded by Allah with an afterlife of great abundance including hundreds of virgins and other distinctly more hedonistic than heavenly values, but did you know

Senate Judiciary Committee votes to approve Kavanaugh Confirmation : A Well Thought Out Scream by James Riordan
I grew up in the 1950s and early 1960’s. I can remember running through the neighborhood when we were twelve or thirteen doing silly kid stuff like knocking on doors and running (ding,dong ditch) or throwing crabapples at cars. A couple of times the police caught us – one time

How To Start A New Fitness Routine
Sure fire methods that won’t fail in starting a new fitness routine. You’re probably already aware of the many benefits of getting and staying in shape and leading an active lifestyle. Once you’ve made the important decision to begin a new fitness routine, where do you begin? The biggest

Christian Mega-Leaders John MacArthur and Russel Moore Disagree on Social Injustice and the Gospel : A Well Thought Out Scream by James Riordan
John MacArthur has been a huge voice in modern Christianity fro as long as I can remember, Since completing his first best-selling book The Gospel According to Jesus in 1988,he’s written hundred of books and study guides including the MacArthur Study Bible, which has sold more than 1 million copies and received a Gold

Magical Weight Loss Foods
By Mark Taylor Let’s be real for a minute now – when it comes to losing weight, there’s no actual “magic” involved. It’s all about burning off more calories than you take in. Undeniably, exercise helps tremendously but let’s have a look at a few foods considered “magical” as they