Treating Muscle Soreness After A Workout
The insights to help everyone navigate the after effects of rigorous exercise and training. By C. S. Nelson You pushed yourself hard at the gym or out on the trail, making every effort to increase your health, endurance and stamina. And for your sweat and pain you probably woke

Alaskan Earthquake : Another Tick on the Clock? : A Well Thought Out Scream by James Riordan
Every time there’s a new hurricane or earthquake, someone starts quoting the Book of Revelation. Or how about that commercial where actor Dennis Haysbert sits in an open field and questions why there have been 26 “once in 500 years storms” in the last decade, when the name implies they

Am I A Carnivore?
Plant based diet vs animal based diet – here’s the information you need to decide what’s best for you! By Elizabeth Bennett Although claiming that homo sapiens is a carnivorous animal is an oft-employed aphorism used when debating the virtues of a vegetarian diet with family members, the truth is

Protests in Pakistan After Christian Asia Bibi Acquitted for Blasphemy : A Well Thought Out Scream by James Riordan
Hundreds of radical Islamists protested in Pakistan Thursday and Friday against the release of Asia Bibi, a Christian woman who was just acquitted after eight years on death row for blasphemy. In June 2009 the Pakistani mother of five was out picking fruit in the fields. At midday she went to

5 Tips For Achieving Peak Performance
Men’s fitness everyday goal guidelines. By John Dunnery Whether you’re a water polo player or a chess fanatic, a piano aficionado or an aspiring chef, there are times when you want to achieve peak performance. Perhaps you are taking a test, performing in a competition, or playing in

California Wildfires Worst in History with Over a Thousand Missing : A Well thought Out Scream by James Riordan
I lived in Southern California from 1978 to 1991, For seven years, I lived in beautiful Malibu which has virtually been destroyed by the Woolsley fire. One of my very best friends lost his house in one of the canyons. He had lived there 42 years. Over the years, I

307 Mass Shootings in 311 Days : A Well Thought Out Scream by James Riordan
This past week when a gunman entered a California music bar and started firing, people in the club hid, smashed windows to escape and ran out of back doors. They were not paralyzed by fear as been the case in many mass shootings. What is perhaps even more terrifying is

Maximize Your Health By Eating These Fruits Daily
Eating more fruit on a daily basis is key to maximizing your body to its fullest potential. By J. Lang Wood Nutrition experts advise everyone to increase the amount of fruits and vegetables in their daily diets, but some fruits have special benefits to keep your body functioning at

Voting in the Midterm Elections : A Chance to Actually Make A Difference : A Well Thought Out Scream by James Riordan
More than 30 million Americans have cast early ballots ahead of Tuesday’s midterm elections, eclipsing the 2014 early totals nationally and suggesting a high overall turnout for contests that could define the final two years of President Donald Trump’s term. At least 28 states have surpassed their 2014 early votes. And

When You Should Hire A Personal Trainer
Important Questions to Ask Yourself Before Hiring A Personal Trainer. by Michelle Homan Hiring a personal trainer can be one of the most beneficial decisions to be made when attempting to reach your health and fitness goals. But before you pick up the phone, there are a number