
You Will Own Nothing and Be Happy (or else)

I have a friend from graduate school that I recently heard from over the Christmas holiday. We had studied Instructional Technology at Northern Illinois University and gone to church together occasionally. I asked him if he would like to do an interview for Men of Value. He declined saying that he did not have the time for an interview or to think about where the United States is going. I found that to be hard to understand. When Barack Obama was in office, did he ever stop to think that his Christian values were under attack? Is he at all worried that Biden will follow in his grand leader’s footsteps and try to reverse the Hobby Lobby decision? Does he think that the secularization of society will never touch him and his call to live out his faith in the world?

I have heard a conspiracy theory (that is not such a theory anymore) that the Coronovirus is the first step of a world-wide effort by the World Economic Forum and China to accomplish something called “The Great Reset”. Getting Biden elected was the second step. The mantra of the Great Reset is, “You will own nothing and you will be happy”. There are several videos and commercials for it. All of them are stylish and hip, probably made by Madison avenue advertisers.

Their goal (as outlined by the WEF, several technocrats, billionaires, China, and far-left activists) is a world that will look very different than today. They say it will be a more sustainable world where the people will own nothing, (all the means of production will be owned by the government) you will not travel, and you will have everything delivered to you by drone. It will be a completely digitized/technological world. The importance of wildlife/environmental conservationism and sexual rights will far outstrip the importance of anyone’s religious beliefs and values and even your diet will be government controlled. The government will say that you may be allowed to have religious values, but you would not be allowed to express those values through refusing to perform an abortion, telling a pedophile he or she has a disease, or closing your business on Sundays. If you do not like it, you will not be able to vote for a difference or even move or leave and find a better place. You would even get in danger for criticizing the government. It truly is THEIR goal, not the goals of the people despite dressing it up in title’s like, “The people’s republic of….”

What Is the Great Reset? | World Economic Forum – YouTube

Now, one may argue that Jesus was a socialist or that the Bible encourages communism. To support this claim, one may point to Luke 3:11-14 or Acts 4:32-35. However, it is also clear that it only works, under God. And while we may be a nation under God as per the Pledge of Allegiance, we need only look at history to see that human socialism, dictatorships, communism, etc… simply do not work. Now theocracies do not work, either. The human priests or ayatollahs or whoever become dictators just as much. No being other than the Lord deserves or has the ability to be the Chairman, the Premier, the King, the Dictator, the Lord of my life.

Will there be a reset? It seems that socialists/communists/dictators will continue to try to sell their views, thinking they have the answers for all others, despite what history tells them. The Reset will definitely happen if no one looks up from their screens long enough to resist. Will I continue to stand up for the Judeo-Christian values of democracy? Will I continue to say that I believe that the founding fathers created the best environment for personal and community freedom, dignity, and economic prosperity? I will. Will I continue to say that the best way to get out of poverty is hard-work and education and faith? I will. Will I allow Prince Charles or Mark Zuckerberg (both highly involved with the WEF) or China or Lady Gaga tell me how to live my life or what believe? No. I will keep resisting even when I am alone in a re-education camp.

Matthew 25:1 -6 “Then the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish, and five were wise. For when the foolish took their lamps, they took no oil with them, but the wise took flasks of oil with their lamps. As the bridegroom was delayed, they all became drowsy and slept. …

The Author

Walt Alexander

Walt Alexander

Walt Alexander is the editor-in-chief of Men of Value. Learn more about his vision for the online magazine for American men with the American values—faith, family & freedom—in his Welcome from the Editor.

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