Game of Thrones Part 3: The Selfish Pride of Life

The Bible calls us to a life of service and dedication to others. What that exactly means for you, that is between you and the Lord. Yet, it is amazing to me how important to the Lord this is and how He mentions it again and again and again. Jesus even went as far as to say that while the greatest commandment is to love God, the second commandment, love your neighbor, is like it, like loving God.
I realize that it is not easy. We all lead busy lives, we all have pressing expectations. For example, a year or so ago, I saw someone who needed help along the side of the road and all I had time to do is make a phone call to the police. However, as we go through our lives, we need to be open to the people that the Lord puts in our way that need our help, especially when it is a help that only we can provide.
As people of faith, we are often judged by other believers and non-believers on how much we help each other. As the Lord said in John 13:35, “They will know you are my disciples by your love“.
Again, I realize how complicated an issue that may be and no one wants to be called “Not a real follower/believer.” . Yet, there is only one who can judge us regarding if we did ENOUGH: God! Questions of did you do enough or how much is helping and how much is enabling, those are between you and the Lord. Not everyone is called to be Mother Theresa. Yet, we are all called to radical love and forgiveness.
To tie it to our theme here, everyone in Game of Thrones seems to be running after their own lusts and desires for sex and power and money with very little interest in anyone else’s needs or desires. All except for one woman. That one woman is Daenerys Targaryen. She definitely has a quest for power but all along her quest, she wants to make the world a better place. She frees the slaves, she liberates the Unsullied. She listens to the cries of the common people. Is she perfect? She is far from it. Yet she keeps moving and now even Tyrion Lannister believes in her as more than a force for conquering Westeros, he believes in her for making the world a better place. That little desire sets her apart from all the other throne-grabbers.
Do not let the selfish pride of life squelch the still, small voice inside you as you go about your destiny, as you climb the corporate ladder, or try to be a success in this world.
Listen for those opportunities to help those who cannot pay you back and even take the time to bless your enemies with a prayer of even, ‘Forgive them Lord, they know not what they do!’.
Its not unlike loving God as God gives us what we cannot repay and the Lord blesses us even though we sin and stick the nails in His arms and feet.
Hebrews 6:10 God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.
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