SPORTS: Road Map to The NHL by Brad Weisman
Only 0.16% of the people trying to make it in the NHL will actually get drafted. Less than 1% will have the chance to professionally play hockey. Even less than than ½ a percent will actually make it onto an NHL team. The road map to the NHL starts early and it is not easy and becomes costly. I for one, am a parent of a son who wants to go down this path. The first thing is understanding how you start and where you end.
Many players like Sydney Crosby spent countless hours in their backyard on the ice, however that is just where it starts. It is path that has many steps before reaching the NHL with little to no guarantees. Below illustrates the natural progression:
1. House league – most kids will start here and anyone can play at this level
2. AAA/AA Level – this is when your child graduates onto travel hockey. This is a costly endeavor and elite players will play at this level instead of highschool
3. Highschool Hockey – this is a route kids will take, however highschool hockey in the US is not a recruiting platform for college hockey. The most elite players will play AAA
4. Juniors – Many kids will postpone their first year of college to play 1 to 2 years of juniors. There are junior level organizations all over the country and some of the most elite in Canada as expected. This is a stepping stone to being major programs
This big challenge through-out all of this is the cost to get there. It is time….money…postponing social development….and placing tremendous focus on what sport with pure dedication. Kids he either rise to the occasion or get burned out early. However, one thing is certain that most players will adopt discipline over time. Hockey players tend to be quiet and very focused. It is a sports culture like no other and ultimately leads to self discipline and good behavior.
Hockey is not a dominate sport in the US resulting in few college hockey teams and few scholarships. It is a long road to the NHL and the probability to make an NHL team is a daunting task. What is even more scary is many kids in Canada that never make it up the ranks are still elite players. Some never play organized hockey at all and still play the game at an advanced level. Hockey in Canada is what baseball is to the USA. It is the their national sport and kids touch the ice the second they can walk.
Few kids will ever join the ranks of the NHL, however they will learn what it means to earn a spot….discipline…..loss…winning…..and most important proper behavior on and off the ice. Hockey is a sport that spoils young athletes with life lessons.
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