
9 Useful Tips to Prevent Male Pattern Baldness Naturally

By Priyanshi Mohan Dass  

Male Pattern Baldness – the three most dreaded words for any man. It is one of the trickiest of ailments faced by most men in today’s day and age. The sad truth is that nearly half of all men, regardless of their age or how well they maintain themselves, will have to deal with some sort of balding.

For some men, this loss is a natural consequence of their lifestyle and habits, but the most common cause of male pattern baldness is genes.

There are multiple hair loss treatments for men that can slow down hair fall, and loss. The best method, of course, is to just own it up like a boss. Either way, here are a few important things about the prevention of hair loss & hair fall, and male pattern baldness that all men need to know about.

Generally, there are three stages of progression for male pattern baldness: a receding hairline, thinning of the hair on the crown, or a general thinning of the hair all over the top of the head.


  1. Gradual thinning on top of your head, this happens as people age. Hair begins to recede at the hairline on the forehead.
  2. Sudden loosening of hair. This could be a result of sudden physical or emotional shock.

Natural Ways to Prevent Hair Loss in Men

1. Vitamins

You need vitamins for the healthy functioning of your body including your scalp. They are extremely important for the maintenance of good scalp health and the promotion of better hair growth. Vitamin B keeps the color of the hair looking healthy and vitamin E boosts good blood circulation which strengthens the roots.

2. Protein-rich diet

What we eat impacts our entire body from head to toe. Protein is an essential component that aids in faster growth. Therefore, you need to make sure that your diet consists of enough protein that can help you regrow stronger and healthier hair.

3. Eggs

It’s not enough just to eat protein, you need to apply it topically as well. If you massage your scalp with eggs, it can be a great natural remedy for male pattern baldness. Since eggs are rich in protein, they help you maintain thick and long tresses. To use, just beat a couple of eggs and massage them gently on your scalp. Leave it on for around 15 minutes before washing it off with lukewarm water. The vitamin content in egg yolks work wonders in preventing and stopping male pattern baldness.

4. Do not brush wet hair

Wet locks are at their most vulnerable. Do not brush your wet locks because it will increase the chances of hair loss. If you must comb wet hair, make sure you use a very wide-toothed comb. Do not brush your tresses too frequently either as doing so can damage your locks and increase loss. Undo the tangles using your fingers, not a comb or brush.

5. Henna leaves

Henna leaves have long been used as part of Indian tradition for their ability to reduce hair loss. While the most popular hair use for henna powder is for coloring, it can also help you deal with male pattern baldness. Henna acts as a natural conditioner for the head which also improves and fastens growth. It also reduces hair fall and increases the strength of your tresses.

6. Massage

A good old scalp massage oil improves blood circulation and restores the natural growth cycle. This is one of the best hair treatments for men. It also boosts both volume and scalp health. A 10 minutes dry massage every day and an oil massage twice a week help relieve stress and tension. Stimulating your scalp with massage boosts growth and increases volume by enhancing blood flow to the follicles.

7. Say no to smoking

A 2020 study of 1000 men found that men who smoked had an increased rate of hair loss compared to those who didn’t smoke. So, say no to smoking if you need to prevent the loss.

8. Biotin

Foods rich in Biotin (vitamin) are a great way to prevent baldness. Some of them are:

  • Nuts
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Eggs
  • Onions
  • Oats

9. Follivita-52

Follivita 52 is a homeopathic hair growth treatment kit that has been specially created to treat male pattern baldness. Its unique blend of ingredients penetrates into the roots of the scalp and restores the growth cycle. It stimulates the regrowth of healthy locks and boosts blood circulation in the scalp. The Follivita-52 tablets fulfill any nutritional deficiencies in the body responsible for hair loss. The complete treatment of tablets plus serum makes Follivita-52 the best choice to put a stop to male pattern baldness.

If you often suffer from hair fall, hair loss, or other hair problems, is the treatment for you. It is perfect for both men and women. It revitalizes the quality of your hair and speeds up the rate of hair growth.

The Author

Walt Alexander

Walt Alexander

Walt Alexander is the editor-in-chief of Men of Value. Learn more about his vision for the online magazine for American men with the American values—faith, family & freedom—in his Welcome from the Editor.

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