The Reds, The Blues, The Purple

I am trying weave together some peculiar themes, so please stick with me and I will try to communicate this as clearly as I can.
One of my guilty pleasures from the 2000s was watching the mini-series on HBO, Rome. So I have been re-watching the series on ROKU recently. Part of my motivation for re-watching it was I was sad when I heard that one of my favorite actors from the series and other projects, Ray Stevenson, had passed away in 2023. I plan on revisiting other Ray Stevenson classics like The Punisher: Warzone and The Other Guys.
I am also interested in re-watching Rome to understand the historical context in which Jesus lived. I think that I can derive some of this from the tv show even though Jesus lived in Judea and the tv show takes place in Rome, starting in 52 – 43 before Jesus was born. From my research regarding the producer’s research for the show, the actors tried very hard to display a correct mindset and worldview. One of the details that struck me this second time around, is the use of the color purple. Only the characters who are part of the elite wore purple, according to the series. It reminded me of when Jesus was mocked by the soldiers prior to His crucifixion as they put a purple robe on Him. This is mentioned in both John 19:2 and Mark 15:7. I remember hearing a couple of near-death experiences in which people have said in Heaven, only Jesus wears purple. I am not sure why God puts the same relevance to purple that the Romans did.
Now, it is common knowledge that we have been politically labeling certain states Red and Blue, for a while now. I identify with the Red / Republican states and their values, even though I live in Illinois which will probably never be Red. The Blue states (supposedly) trounced us in 2020. However, there were definitely more states which went Red in 2024. I do believe (with a smile) that had a very, very, very small part to play in that!
As a believer I believe that all of us are made in the image of the One Above All and are called to love everyone, regardless of which color they identify with and whether or not we are in an election cycle. I want to inspire you by the combination those who are part of the Red states and those of the Blue states, make. I believe that we are called to always and especially now to allow the purple to come out of working together. The media and others have told us which color is, “the enemy”. But we must be about coming together and being like Jesus, being purple. I believe that THIS has made the United States and its citizens, great both individually and corporately, over the years. It is certainly what we are called to do as believers that the Lord loves us all.
Hebrews 12:14 Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.
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