The Colors of Christmas

Red —For the blood that came as body parts expanded and tore and pushed a living being out. Red for the blood that needed to fuel muscles used for walking and talking and teaching and putting up with ignorant human beings. Red for the blood shed through beatings and whippings and driving nails through flesh and between bones and into wood. Red for the blood that tried to keep pumping through a body as it sent millions of signals to the brain telling it was in agony. Red for the blood that stopped flowing when the heart muscle stopped pumping it because it did not have the strength to continue living.
Green—The color of the Earth. Green for the reminder that all life is connected on this planet. Green for the symbiosis we share with plants as they expel oxygen and take in carbon dioxide, and we take in oxygen, and we expel carbon dioxide. Green for the reminder that we all grow and live and then we die. Green as a reminder that life here is finite.
Yellow—red and green make yellow. Yellow is the color of the sun on a new, bright day. Yellow is the color of the dawn. Yellow is the color of the yolk of an egg- a new life. Yellow is the color of a banana, delicious and sweet–the fruit of a banana tree. Yellow is the color of hope, created with the colors of Christmas.
John 1:14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.
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