Let My Love Open the Door

Making it as a writer is hard, really hard. When you are a writer you are tempted to rub rabbit’s feet, not walk under ladders, burn incense candles, anything that might give you a chance to have some success. Once I was in my car, thinking about all this and I was praying about it, too. Then the Pete Townsend song, Let My Open the Door came on the radio. I was truly inspired to let go and let God. Now, you may snicker at this as just a funny coincidence and say that that was not necessarily a message from the Almighty. However, divine message or not, I do think that the Lord wanted me to hear that for what it was saying: have patience and allow Him to work and trust in His timing.
There are some interesting facts about this song. First it came out in 1980 when Pete Townsend of the Who (who wrote it) was in a “spiritual phase” with some yogi. He even credits Jesus in the liner notes. It was remade by a Christian band called Audio Adrenaline. Also two members of Pete Townsend’s band went on to form the one-hit wonder band, Big Country (Songfacts.com).
Doing what we can in the natural and allowing the Lord to work in the supernatural with faith and patience is Biblical. This may take a short time or a very, very long time. For the people of Israel in the Sini desert, they saw both. They saw the Lord part the waters of the Red Sea but they also had to wait 40 years to get into the Promised Land. The Lord gave David an anointing to be King of Israel, but he had to wait a long time to actually become that. The Lord promised Sarah that she would bear a child, but she also had to wait a loooonnnnngg time to see that promise come to pass. Just imagine if she and Abraham had allowed His love to open that door, instead of involving Hagar. The world would be very different.
You too, maybe standing on a promise that the Lord gave you or you too, may desire to accomplish or have something special in this world. I encourage you to do two different things. First of all, do not allow the dream that you have to be your god. Its not a sin to want things but it is a sin for anything to be more important and valuable to you than your relationship with the Lord. Our times are in His hands, everything else is secondary. He wants to always be our first love, our most valuable treasure. You may not be feeling that and it doesn’t mean you will not obtain what you value or want. But like Abraham having babies with his servants or just about any other woman in order to have a boy child, the obtainment will not be the way or the time the Lord intended. It may even possibly lead to bitterness and strife. It definitely will not lead to the fruits of the spirit.
I also encourage you to be open to a different expression of whatever it is you want the Lord to open the door to. Not everyone can be Ben Zobrist, Kyle Schwarber, Aaron Sorkin, or George Clooney. I am not saying you can’t reach those giddy heights, but we all need to pay the bills while we are trying. Sometimes people find that during those times they are reaching for that golden award or statue or whatever, life happens. They find themselves satisfied with doing construction work, selling shoes, coding and/or testing software, dispensing drugs, writing a blog, or coaching Little League. The door that you want the Lord to open may already be right in front of you! Either way, let His love open the door to your dreams or an expression of it and allow Him to fill you with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, and self-control, along the way.
Psalms 27:13-14 I believe that I shall look upon the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living! Wait for the LORD; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the LORD!
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