Women and Family

The Surprising Link Between Your Smile and Your Love Life

by TNT Dental 12/19/2022

Are you interested in improving your dating life? Whether you’re a fan of online dating or prefer the “traditional” route, one of your features plays an important role: your smile. To learn what the research says about the link between your smile and your love life, as well as what to do if you aren’t the biggest fan of your grin, keep reading!

What the Research Says

When preparing for a date, you might pick an outfit you feel confident in, spray your best cologne or perfume, and brush a few times to ensure your breath smells nice. While these are certainly important steps, research shows that having a great smile is just as important. Here are a few statistics to prove it:


• More than 90% of those polled shared that they are likely to notice someone’s smile when they first meet them.


• 76% of people base their first impression off one’s smile.


• Nearly 75% of people are more likely to trust someone with a nice smile compared to a good job, outfit, or car.


• 68% of Americans said that people who smile seem trustworthy, confident, and approachable (all important attributes in a potential partner!).


But What If You Don’t Like Your Smile?

If you don’t like your smile because of misaligned, chipped, stained, or otherwise imperfect teeth, you might naturally select a profile picture with a closed-lipped grin or cover your smile when you laugh. Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be that way! With a skilled cosmetic dentist in your corner, virtually every dental flaw can be seamlessly addressed. Depending on your specific dental needs and smile goals, they might recommend:


• Veneers – Known as the secret to Hollywood smiles, veneers are able to correct everything from minor misalignment to severe stains. They also come with two more significant benefits: the process can be completed in as little as two visits and they can last for 15+ years with proper care!


• Cosmetic Dental Bonding – This quick and painless cosmetic dental treatment can also address several imperfections at once. While the results may not last anywhere near as long as veneers, the upfront cost is also lower, making it a great choice for your smile and your wallet.


• Teeth Whitening – Professional teeth whitening treatments are clinically tested, making them both safe and effective. Whether you’re struggling with minor stains or more moderate discoloration, in-office and take-home options can help you achieve the bright, white smile you’ve been wanting.


• Gum Recontouring – “Gummy” smiles are another common concern among patients. Fortunately, gum recontouring can remove the excess tissue seamlessly, and the results can last for a lifetime! As a result, this smile-enhancing treatment is extremely cost-effective.


Since your smile plays an important role in the success of your dating life, cosmetic dentistry is well worth the investment. In as little as one appointment, you could have an even more beautiful smile and feel a significant boost in your confidence!


The Author

Walt Alexander

Walt Alexander

Walt Alexander is the editor-in-chief of Men of Value. Learn more about his vision for the online magazine for American men with the American values—faith, family & freedom—in his Welcome from the Editor.

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