Stand with Israel!

I confess that I have not always been so positive on Israel. I have seen documentaries from both sides and talked to people from both sides and know that atrocious mistakes have been made on both sides of the Palestinian conflict. However, my attitude has been for most of my life, “Let them fight it out between themselves! Leave the United States out of it!” And that is what they did, at least until September 11, 2001.
However, I have always leaned toward Israel for several reasons and have never questioned their right to exist. One of these reasons is due to my relationship with my Jewish “parents” –the LeVines. Another reason has been 9/11–I am still angry! Christians or Jews or Hindus or Buddhists have never done such things! Also making me want to support Israel is the fact that Israel does not discriminate against Arab/Muslim people and technically Israel is a nation that has freedom of religion. Anyone is welcome there as long as they obey the laws. Muslim countries do NOT have freedom of religion. Also, Israel is a country where you can be LGTBQ. Muslim countries are countries where you will be hung/beheaded/etc… for being such.

Also, the government of Israel actually separates synagogue and state. Yet the Muslims who committed these heinous acts against Israelis will never be satisfied until all countries and all people are dominated/ruled by Sharia law. Now I realize that most Muslims do not want to impose their religion on others forcefully and just want to live in peace. But Israeli/Jewish people have never strapped bombs to their children to kill “infidels”. There are many other examples of how Israel/the Jewish people just want to live in peace. The list of examples of Muslim terrorism can fill books.
Again historically, mistakes have been made on both sides by both Muslims and Israeli people. Exploring all of them would be very complicated.
However, I will tell you what is not complicated. A group of young men and women gathering together to dance and listen to music being attacked, killed, and kidnapped is not complicated (Hamas terrorist sent mom video of son, girlfriend’s murder after music fest massacre, TV star says – YouTube)! The bodies of dead little Israeli girls strewn across the asphalt after they were killed by terrorists is not complicated. A Hamas terrorist pouring gasoline over an elderly person and lighting them on fire, is not complicated. Beheading children in the name of God is not complicated (Hamas terrorist admits to deliberately murdering children in chilling IDF interrogation video – YouTube). Its evil.
Now you maybe a happy-go-lucky Christian who claims to not be very political–hum de ho hum, you just want to love Jesus! You believe that none of these “foreign” things will ever touch you in your little town! However, the world is not going to stop for your lack of attention to what is going on. We are called to be salt and light in this world. To ignore these events is the same as looking the other way while Germans killed Jews prior to World War 2. The rock band Petra called this looking at the world through rose-colored stained glass windows. (Petra – Rose-Colored Stained Glass Windows – YouTube). The world is knocking on your door, you can ignore it for only so long.
Stand up for peace and against evil. Stand for freedom. Stand with Israel.
Psalm 122:6 Pray for the peace of Jerusalem! “May they be secure who love you!
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