FitnessLooking Good

5 Excuses We Make on Our Weight Loss Journey & How to Overcome Them

By Mona Lala  

Gaining weight is easy; maintaining weight or losing extra weight is difficult. And some of us try to take the easy way out by making excuses instead of working towards losing that extra weight. Making excuses for why we cannot stick to a weight loss plan is a common problem among all of us.

Sometimes, we try different weight loss diets and are still waiting to see the results (fast) that we expect. Some psychological barriers stop us from achieving our goals. Here, we will discuss some of the common weight loss excuses we make and how to overcome them with practical tips to stay on track and achieve your fitness goals.

5 Excuses that Stop Us from Losing Weight

Who among us has never made an excuse to skip diet or eat unhealthy food? We all have been there – quite a number of times. Here are some of the common excuses we make that hinder our weight loss journey:

I Have No Time

This is our number one excuse because it is used way too much than we can comprehend. The fact is that we are all busy because life is happening at an unprecedented rate, accompanied by various challenges. The moment we sip our coffee, the anxiety kicks in on how to get through the day. But here is a more straightforward way to look at things, primarily when they revolve around your weight loss.

You do not need to have a set time to exercise or even stretch during your busy day. It all depends on your goals and schedule. The best part is you can start slow. Slow is good because even 15 minutes every day can make a huge difference in your life. Just find the right balance between your health goals and work goals.

Eating Healthy is Pricey

You are not wrong! Eating organic foods (which is an influencer trend) is expensive, but eating healthy is not pricey. You must choose your food consciously. First, plan your meals. Start with your leafy vegetables and move on to your proteins, and you will find many options based on your meal plans. You can buy in bulk or even rely on canned versions. Shop at your local farmers market, or get everything from Costco or Walmart; the choice is yours. You can also look for some coupons and deals that your store offers, which can help you save some money and reinvest in your health to get healthier.

You are Stressed

This is a psychological excuse that people tell themselves and others when they are binge eating. In the present environment, who is relaxed? But we have to channel our stress into something positive rather than binging on food or giving in to our cravings. We associate stress or any stressful situation with cravings, which will offer us comfort and a feeling of satisfaction but remember that it is just temporary. However, the pounds you are piling on are permanent.

Alongside, the issue is not just overeating but rather the food that is being consumed, which is high in sugar and sodium, affecting health in every negative way. Highly processed foods like frozen pizza or ready-to-eat meals, along with sugary and starchy foods, including your favorite potato chips, can have adverse effect on your health. We can mindfully create a schedule in which we can get things done one step at a time, this will reduce stress and also let you complete one project at a time.

I Am Too Old for Weight Loss

NO! You are never too old to start your health and fitness journey because the more you age the more physical challenges you will be facing, hence staying fit is a great way to develop yourself. Our bodies are designed to adapt according to our everyday routine and our strength, energy or agility does not diminish with age but rather the mindset makes us sluggish. So, get up and start your fitness journey with a simple walk, and slowly take steps towards living a healthier lifestyle, from consuming healthy food to slowly and steadily working out with simple exercise.

I don’t want to Stop Eating My Favorite Foods

When you are trying to get healthier, you start believing that you must give up on your favorite foods, which results in you craving those foods, making you binge eat them get unhealthier and gain weight. Break this circle by not giving up your favorite snacks but rather eating them in moderation or trying to make them in a slightly healthier manner. Instead of adding dollops of mayo, why not try some Greek yogurt? If you crave mac & cheese, why not eat it with a side of veggies or a protein? Want a slice of chocolate cake? Indulge, but you can eat dark chocolate! There are so many ways you can enhance your food regime that the list is endless.

It is never too late to begin your weight loss journey with the right diet and slight self-discipline that can yield excellent results for your future. Take the first step towards a healthier you today! Reach out to a certified weight loss consultant and get personalized support and guidance for effective health and weight management.

The Author

Walt Alexander

Walt Alexander

Walt Alexander is the editor-in-chief of Men of Value. Learn more about his vision for the online magazine for American men with the American values—faith, family & freedom—in his Welcome from the Editor.

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