Worship, a Key to Success

by FREDERICK HOEHN 11/16/2013
Norvel Hayes is a Bible Teacher out of Cleveland, Tennessee. He has had some revelations from the Lord.
The Lord told brother Norvel. “My people don’t worship me enough, and you don’t either, son. You tell the people that if they’ll spend time worshiping me, they can have anything they want.”
Anything you want. Does that appeal to you?
On another occasion, the Lord said to Norvel, “If there’s anyone out there with anything wrong with their bodies, they’re not worshiping me enough.
So then, there’s a connection between divine healing and worshiping the Lord.
Dr. Hayes has a website at www.nhm.cc
If you need some words of worship, the Psalms are loaded with them. Psalms is located approximately in the middle of the Bible.
1 Tim 2:8 tells us that we should “lift up holy hands, without anger and doubting.” As Christians, our hands are made holy by the blood of Jesus. (Matt 26:28)
From Psalm 84, verses 10 For a day in your courts is better than a thousand. I’d rather be a door keeper in the house of my God, than to live in the tents of wickedness. 11 For the Lord God is a sun and shield, the Lord will give grace and glory, no good thing will he withhold from those who walk uprightly. 12 O Lord of hosts, blessed is the man that trusts in you.
___Psalm 113 1 Praise the Lord. Praise, O you servants of the Lord, praise the name of the Lord. 2 Blessed be the name of the Lord from this time forth and forever. 3 From the rising of the sun to the going down of the same the Lord’s name is to be praised. 4 The Lord is high above all nations, and his glory above the heavens. 5 Who is like the Lord our God, who dwells on high, 6 Who humbles himself to see the things that are in heaven, and in the earth! 7 He raises up the poor out of the dust, and lifts the needy out of the manure pile, 8 So that he can set him with princes, with the princes of his people. 9 He makes the barren woman to keep house, and to be a joyful mother of children. Praise you the Lord.
___Psalm 46 1 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. 2 Therefore we won’t fear, though the earth is removed, and though the mountains are carried into the middle of the sea, 3 Though the waters of it roar and are troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling of it. Selah. 4 There is a river, the streams of which shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacles of the most high. 5 God is among her, she shall not be moved, God shall help her, and right early. 6 The heathen raged, the kingdoms were moved, he spoke with his voice, the earth melted. 7 The Lord of hosts is with us, the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah. 8 Come, see the works of the Lord, what desolations he has made in the earth. 9 He makes wars to stop to the end of the earth, he breaks the bow, and cuts the spear in pieces, he burns the chariot in the fire. 10 Be still, and know that I am God, I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth. 11 The Lord of hosts is with us, the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah.
___Psalm 106 1 Praise the Lord. O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his mercy endures forever. 2 Who can tell the mighty acts of the Lord? Who can show forth all his praise? 3 Blessed are those who keep judgment, and he that does righteousness at all times. 4 Remember me, O Lord, with the favor that you bear to your people, O visit me with your salvation, 5 So that I’ll see the good of your chosen, so that I’ll rejoice in the gladness of your nation, so that I’ll glory with your inheritance.
___Psalm 138 1 I will praise you with my whole heart, before the gods I will sing praise to you. 2 I will worship toward your holy temple, and praise your name, for your loving kindness and for your truth, for you’ve magnified your word above all your name. 3 In the day when I called, you answered me, and strengthened me with strength in my soul. 4 All the kings of the earth shall praise you, O Lord, when they hear the words of your mouth. 5 Yes, they shall sing in the ways of the Lord, for great is the glory of the Lord. 6 Though the Lord is high, yet he has respect to the lowly, but the proud he knows afar off. 7 Though I walk in the middle of trouble, you’ll revive me, you’ll stretch out your hand against the anger of my enemies, and your right hand shall save me. 8 The Lord will perfect that which concerns me, your mercy, O Lord, endures forever, don’t forsake the works of your own hands.
Throw your burden on the Lord, and he’ll keep you, he’ll never allow the righteous to be moved. (Psa 55:22)
Casting all your care on him, because he cares for you. (1 Pet 5:7)
___Psalm 15 1 Lord, who shall live in your tent? Who shall live in your holy hill? 2 He that walks uprightly, and does righteousness, and speaks the truth in his heart. 3 He that doesn’t backbite with his tongue, nor does evil to his neighbor, nor takes up a reproach against his neighbor. 4 In whose eyes a filthy person is held in contempt, but he honors those who fear the Lord. He that promises, and then finds that it was to his disadvantage, and keeps his promise anyway. 5 He that doesn’t loan out his money at interest, nor takes a reward against the innocent. He that does these things shall never be moved.
To be pleasing to God, we should spend time worshiping the Lord.
“You are worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power, for you’ve created all things, and for your pleasure they are and were created.” (Rev 4:11)
Christians who worship the Lord are stronger Christians than those who have no time for worship.
Scriptures quoted are from the Holy Bible, Hoehn Version and the New Testament, Hoehn Version, copyright 2011, both available as ebooks for the Kindle readers from Amazon.com.
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