Don’t Sell Your Soul to The Devil Do This Instead

y Stevie L Glenn December 12, 2012
As desperate human beings, millions of people unknowingly sell their souls to the king of darkness for countless reasons every day, including for money, popularity, and power. People will also sell their souls to the devil in order to escape misery, pain and humiliation in the eyes of others.
The obsession with money may be one of the most elite reasons people sell their soul to the devil. To mankind, money is god almighty. Without it, they find no identity, peace or meaning in this life. Therefore, many are willing to do anything necessary to obtain it. Some may even kill family members, including mothers, fathers, spouses and children to possess green god. The life of others means nothing to them. They will lose no sleep after destroying the life of another.
Other Ways to Sell Your Soul
However, selling your soul to the devil doesn’t have to be this extreme. Just having an insatiable desire to possess a whole lot of money can lead to the sell. When you are willing to go against moral values, to mislead others into doing immoral things for the sake of money and popularity, you are selling your soul to the devil. Just look at the entertainment business. The majority of the music in videos is subliminal. It is integrated with satanic imagines and suggestions of murder, rape and upheaval. Many musical artists have submitted themselves to wicked activities to get to where they are now.
Drug dealers and smugglers sell their souls to the devil by supplying people with a poisonous substance that destroys the lives of whole families and communities. The murders and atrocities committed by such people are unimaginable. Millions of people have been destroyed, however slowly, by the influx of crack, cocaine, heroin, PCP and countless other drugs. The dealers do not consider the fatal consequences of their deliveries because they are too busy enjoying the monetary results of their labor.
The thirst for power is another way to sell the soul to the devil. Obsession with power can lead to hatred. Ruthless politicians have done some of the most horrifying things to humanity for the sake of power. Hitler killed millions of Jews in his quest for power. Many times these leaders are so charismatic that they can persuade a multitude of people to accept their point of view. The people believe these people are sociable and adorable, but inside there are unyielding monsters.
Souls in Constant Danger
But no matter how good the money or power you have received in exchange for your soul, the end is always damnation. People who sell their souls always live on the edge of death. They souls are always in constant danger. When things fall apart they find themselves with a lost soul with nothing to show for it but shame and eternal damnation. According to scripture, “the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. Who can know it?” We see that man is capable of committing immeasurable acts of cruelty. Therefore no matter how useless we think our lives have become, we must resort to selling our souls to the devil. The consequence is eternal damnation. Other subtle ways we sell our souls to the devil is when we:
- Die with hatred, un-forgiveness and un-repentance in your heart
- Delight in giving people ideas that will lead to their destruction
- Destroy people for the sake of group initiation or acceptance
- Commit horrific acts of murder upon people just to fulfill a dark fantasy
- Curse the nature of God and religions and delight in the path of darkness
When we do such things, the king of darkness has undoubtedly purchased our souls for the fulfillment of his will on earth. This is blasphemy against God and His creation.
The Divine Alternative
The above ways of selling your soul to the devil as well as others that has not been mentioned here are activities that are happening every day, nearly everywhere on earth. There is only one legitimate, life changing thing to do to escape this madness: choose the peace and salvation of God that has been hidden in the hearts of all men. When mankind repents and gives their hearts back to God, then there will be no need to sell the soul to the devil. Peace, joy, and abundance come from God alone. In addition, when we have God’s peace and abundance, we never have to worry about where our soul may end up at. In God’s care, our soul is always at ease. He is the creator, after all. The great thing about choosing the glory of God over the temporary enjoyment of money, power and fame is that you will still possess your soul. We prepare ourselves for a life of Excellency based on moral principles. In this way, the devil will never get a chance to obtain eternal ownership of our souls. We will be free.
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