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7 Tips to Secure Your Bitcoin Wallet

by admin March 29, 2022

Bitcoin has been in the news a lot lately. And for a good reason! The value of this digital currency has skyrocketed in recent months and shows no signs of slowing down. As more and more people invest in Bitcoin, it is essential to ensure that your wallet is secure. We will discuss some tips to help you keep your Bitcoin safe.

1. Use HTTPS

The web is full of hackers, and if you don’t take precautions, they could gain access to your Bitcoin wallet. By adding Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) support to your website, you can help secure the connection between your wallet’s server and the browser that’s visiting it. This makes it very difficult for your password or other sensitive information to be intercepted by hackers over WiFi or shared networks.

2. Use Two Factor Authentication (2FA)

If possible, use two-factor authentication (2FA) to secure your wallet. 2FA adds an extra layer of security to your account by asking for a secondary passcode when logging in from a new device or browser. This is very easy to set up with and it can help protect you against hackers if they somehow manage to steal your password from a user who has already been authorized on the account previously.

3. Backup Your Account

When using any Bitcoin wallet, it’s essential that you back up the account every once in a while just in case something goes wrong with your computers – such as a virus or hardware failure. You’ll be happy you have all those backup copies of your keys if this happens. 

4. Use Secure Passwords

You must use strong passwords when setting up any Bitcoin service. Hackers sometimes trick users into giving them access to accounts on trojans or keyloggers, which can steal passwords, so be sure never to use the same password for more than one website if possible.

5. Check Your Address Book 

When using Blockchain info or other similar sites, check your address book every once in a while to ensure the correct addresses are showing up there. Suppose someone has managed to gain unauthorized access through another user. In that case, they could potentially change the address shown in your copy of the account without notifying you at all leaving you at a risk of sending money to the wrong place. 

6. Test Your Transactions

 To ensure that everything is working correctly, we recommend making a small transaction from your wallet into another account every few weeks or months – especially if you haven’t been using it lately. This way, you can be certain that all of your accounts are working correctly and any new ones have been appropriately added before depositing large sums of money.

7. Make Backups

It’s a good idea to make backups of your wallet now and then, says MakeUseOf. That way, if anything bad happens to your computer, you’ll be able to restore all of your Bitcoins onto another device with ease. The way this works varies depending on the wallet service you are using – has an excellent demonstration of how to do this here. 


Now that you know some ways to protect your Bitcoin account go out there and start investing. Be careful online, though – always keep an eye on links that look suspicious or ask for important information like passwords or credit card numbers. Never download files from unknown sources and refrain from giving personal information away unless necessary.

The Author

Walt Alexander

Walt Alexander

Walt Alexander is the editor-in-chief of Men of Value. Learn more about his vision for the online magazine for American men with the American values—faith, family & freedom—in his Welcome from the Editor.

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