Men of Value Interview : L.A. Marzulli

L. A. Marzulli is an author, lecturer, and filmmaker. He has penned thirteen books including The Nephilim Trilogy which made the CBA best sellers list. He has written and produced eleven films in The Watchers series, one of which (Watchers 7) won both the “UFO Best Film” and “People’s Choice Award” at the UFO Congress in 2014. Marzulli created a “team” that legally extracted material for DNA testing from the enigmatic elongated skulls found in Peru. His book series On the Trail of the Nephilim Volumes I & II are full-color, large-sized volumes which reveal startling evidence of a massive cover-up of what he believes to be the remains of the Nephilim, the giants mentioned in the Bible. L.A. Marzulli is a frank super-naturalist who lectures on the subjects of UFOs, the Nephilim, and ancient prophetic texts.

presenting his exhaustive research at conferences and churches, and through media appearances and interviews on numerous national and international radio and television programs. A true Renassaince man, he is also a an accomplished musician and composer. But what he is more than anything is a strong believer in Jesus Christ. “Everything I do because of 41 years of being a born again spiritual Christian comes from a biblical world view, I mean everything, every decision, every action. And sure, sometimes those actions aren’t good, but nevertheless I try to filter everything through what’s written in scripture because that is the truth. What’s written in our Bibles is the truth. I mean, there’s just no doubt about it. That’s how it works. And many people that tap dance around that, but the Bible is the guide book to the supernatural. And I believe that we live in a supernatural world. So, it teaches us how to interface, interact, walk with it, or walk in the supernatural. And yet at the same time interface with those around us who aren’t aware that we live in a supernatural world – that there are demons and angels and prophecies and what was written will come to pass. What was foretold is actually unfolding right in front of our eyes. So, everything I based my entire life, my ministry, everything on that biblical world view, what Jesus did for me 41 years ago and continues to do into the present day. It doesn’t go away in fact, it just gets more intense.”

L.A. defines freedom as follows: “I believe a person is only really free in the biblical sense. Everyone on this planet who is not born again and spirit filled is in bondage to something on some level. And there are many Christians who are in bondage to certain things on some level because it is a continual process. Sometimes healing takes twenty years and it’s done in stages, like peeling off the layers of an onion and each layer you peel off frees you of more pain and opens you up to receive more joy. You peel something off and you look at it and you reach a plateau where you feel pretty good. Then, all of a sudden, the Spirit of the Living God reveals something else, something deeper about that or something new. It’s like if you’re going to be used, you’re going to be pounded on the anvil in God’s forge. That’s what he has to do. Heats us up and then reshapes us. We’re always under construction here on this planet and we’ll be so until we’re either taken in the rapture or we go home to meet the Lord. That’s just the way things work and that’s okay. I have no problems with that. I just know I’m a different man than what I was 41 years ago when I first gave my life to Jesus.”
I asked L.A. Marzulli how his values have determined his path in life and were there times when his values limited his choices, particularly concerning his ventures in music where at one time he was highly regarded as an up and coming recording artist in the Los Angeles rock scene. “I had some chances in the music industry but they didn’t work out and I pulled away from that. At the time, I couldn’t understand why those things didn’t happen but now, frankly, I’m glad that they didn’t happen. I don’t know if I could’ve survived success as a musician in the whole L.A. rock scene. And now, it’s become obvious that most of the music scene there is incredibly perverted on numerous levels, all we need to do is watch the GRAMMYs. I believe a lot of that world is controlled by the dragon. At the time, or I never understood why the Lord closed the door, but now I totally get it. In the movie, The Chosen, there’s a scene where Joshua is questioning Moses about something God was doing and Moses just looks at Joshua and says this, “I’ve learned that whatever he says, I just do it.” And it’s so true. What I love about Him is He gives us autonomy. He gives us free will, He gives us the ability to say no, to say yes, to go down the wrong road. He allows us to do that. And then we arrive at the point, where we go, ‘Oops, I should have listened, but I didn’t. And now I’m going to pay some sort of a penalty.’ Often making the wrong choice leads to trouble, but sometimes grace and mercy kicks in and God just delivers us out of the mess we got ourselves into.”

L.A. released his first independent film in March of 2017, the first installment of The Watchman Chronicles, titled In Their Own Words: UFOs are Real! This hard-hitting expose, on the burgeoning UFO phenomena, was geared toward the skeptic and is a wake-up call to what Marzulli calls, The Coming Great Deception. “I’ve been banging this drum for over thirty years, I’ve written books on it, talked about it incessantly, been laughed at, sited, called every name in the book, but now in 2021 the cat’s out of the bag. And it’s like, it’s being revealed very, very slowly, but it is being revealed that the UFO phenomenon is real. Official acknowledgement will happen in June, but the Pentagon already stated that unidentified area phenomenon (UAP) is real. The government stated that they have in their possession vehicles that were not made on this earth. It’s all there, I mean, they’ve released this information to public, which is why I’m circling back and redoing the UFO film and releasing it for free, as a pay it forward thing. People need to see what’s going on, the church is oblivious unfortunately, and I love the church, I’m part of the church, but the church is oblivious to it. They don’t understand that this is the coming great deception. It will change everything on this planet and do so very quickly, instantaneously. So every day I get people who send me pictures, lights in the sky, experiencing all this stuff.”

The timing is essential Marzulli believes, especially with all the national strife the country is currently experiencing. “You’ve got the progressives and you’ve got your traditionalists. The progressives want everything from defunding the police to opening up the borders and let everybody in to gay rights and transgender rights for five-year-olds. So let me see, my kid doesn’t know anything about sex, but you’re going to tell them all about transgenderism. Why are we doing this? To the traditionalist who are looking at all this, going like, “This is absurd.” So the country is fractured, it’s split along ideological lines. This is for me a sign that we’re in the end times for sure. Everything that we’re seeing is right on schedule. I mean, there’s nothing here that that should take us by surprise. It’s all been written in our Bibles and it’s all coming to pass. What was foretold is unfolding. There’s absolutely no doubt about it. I mean, I really believe that this is it, that we are in the window of time that’s prophesied in the Bible and talked about more than any other. I think that we’re rapidly moving towards the moment where the church is taken out in the rapture and the seven year tribulation commences and that is followed by the return of the Lord. It’s not some fable written by people eating too many mushrooms or some crazed wild hair prophets in the desert. I honestly never thought that we would see what we’re seeing as far as UFO disclosure. But it’s here.”
Marzulli has done over a dozen films. “I did ten of those with my late partner, Richard Shaw who unfortunately passed away two years ago, this August. Rick taught me everything I know about filmmaking and we did this initially in response to the Ancient Alien crowd. I was on that show two seasons, but they were taking what I was saying and changing it so I called up Rick and said, ‘Hey, why don’t we make a film on UFO’s?’ And he goes, ‘Well, how much money do we have?’ And I say, ‘Nothing’ and he goes, ‘Okay, it sounds great, let’s go.” So, he borrowed a camera and we made the first film Watchers film.

The Skull of a Nephilem
I asked L.A. who he looks to for life examples, inspiration and guidance? “I very much like watching Chuck Missler whom I considered a mentor. I received the Golden Medallion award from Chuck several years ago before he passed away. That was a huge honor for me, as years before I would listen to Chuck’s radio program on a daily basis in my cabinet shop while I was working. I think that was my Moses tending to the sheep period . I mean, I really didn’t like doing construction or wood floors or cabinets or any of that, but I did it because I had a family and I was being trained. The Lord knows who we are and when we just trust the process with him and walk with him, we’ll discover, like Chuck Missler used to say, ‘the two most important days of your life are the day you’re born and day you find out why.’
In addition too the prestigious Gold Medallion Award, Marzulli has also received an honorary doctorate from his mentor Dr. I. D. E. Thomas, who was the Provost at Pacific International University. “This whole ministry opened up about thirty years ago completely out of left field. I never, in my wildest dreams, would have imagined that I’d be doing what I’m doing now. It wasn’t in the radar, wasn’t something that I was aspiring to or went to school for or anything. I never knew I could speak publicly. I had no idea. There was something the Lord showed me at five years old though. Here we were, Sunday meal with my big Italian family. The priest is over, the aunts, uncles, and the spaghetti and meatballs, and the wine is flowing, the whole deal. And so I’m like five years old and I dragged my grandfather’s green hassock out like a makeshift pulpit and I put the big family bible on the hassock and I start preaching to my family who was eating their Sunday dinner. And I’m saying, ‘What is the truth?’” That’s the title of my sermon. And now I say that same thing, ‘What is the Truth?’ every day on my podcast, the PP&S Report, which is on my YouTube channel every day, I say, It was a foreshadowing of what I would become, but I didn’t realize it until 50 years later.”

L.A. Marzulli is a dedicated truth seeker, who has not the prejudice and small mindedness of the world hinder his search. He’s led expeditions and discovered the skeletal remains of nine foot giants on Catalina Island and in Peru examined the elongated Paracas skulls and had their DNA tested to prove they were not fake and found countless other proofs of the half man/have fallen angel race the Bible refers to as the Nephilim. He’s exposed many alien hoaxes but also discovered solid scientific proof they exist. “People would always laugh and joke and say things like ‘C’mon now, you really believe in alien implants?’ And I would say, ‘Yeah, I’ve taken them out of people.’”
Some people think he is beyond the fringe element but the truth is he has brought what was once considered the fringe into main stream thinking by solid scientific work. Consider the implant issue: “There was a guy that came to us, we’ll call him Bill which is not his real name. Bill told us he’d been abducted when he was five years old and something was implanted in him.
I knew Dr. Roger Leir. He has appeared in all of our Watcher series, and he had a website called The Alien and the Scalpel. He was removing these implants from people. We took this man to Dr. Leir and we did the whole protocol. We saw the implant, it was a metallic object about the size of a grain of rice just there underneath the skin and there was no entry wound. So, how did it

get there? It was metallic, it showed up on an x-ray. We did a cat scan, it read on the gaussmeter, everything. But when we went to take this thing out, it was like it was cloaked. We had seen the object on the ultrasound machine, but when we went to expose it to remove it, it vanished. Then, I had one of those Holy Spirit moments where the Lord taps me on the shoulder and goes, ‘You need to take authority over this and do it now.’ And so I prayed in the room and I said, I’m in a room full of non-believers, except for Rick, so I said, ‘Okay, this is going to sound weird, I’m going to pray and I’m going to do it now.’ So I took authority. I didn’t ask permission. I just took authority. And I just said, ‘Father God, if there are forces which are cloaking this device, we pray that you would break their power and do it soon. Well, less than two minutes later, the object comes in on the monitor. And everybody goes, ‘Oh my gosh, what’s that?’ And Dr. Matriciana goes, ‘That’s the implant that we’ve been looking for.’ And he’s freaked out, he doesn’t understand why all of a sudden, the implant showed up. He’s tapping the wand to the ultrasound and looking at the monitor and taking the wand off, trying to figure what had been wrong. But there was nothing wrong with the instruments. It was what I believe was a fallen angel that was cloaking it. So we took the implant out, we tested it. It was made of meteorite metal and whoever put this thing in didn’t want it taken out.”
Marzulli believes there is a direct connection between many UFO encounters and the fallen angels that sired the Nephilim. “They’ve been here for thousands of years, making their presence known in the shadows. I just think we’re in a window of time, which is literally unprecedented. I mean things are heating up in ways that I never would have imagined. Just recently two hundred rockets attacked Israel and killed people. We’re back in Syria doing our nonsense there and Hamas realizes that the United States isn’t backing Israel anymore because it’s just the third term of Obama and so here we are. But all this has been prophesied. It’s all heating up and you know what, the Lord is in control and I just think He’s coming back soon.
L.A. Marzulli is fighting a battle that most people aren’t even aware exists. “And so I’m 70 years old and I know why I’m here and I’m firing on all eight cylinders and you know, it’s just hallelujah.” That’s one of the many reasons L.A. Marzulli is a Man of Value.
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