AlfonZo Rachel is a Christian conservative social/political humorist. His work is distinguished by his grinning delivery and rapid-fire rant style in his video commentaries that have been featured on as ZoNation. Now he self publishes his commentaries as the Zo Loft. He is also an author, and the founder and drummer of 20 lb SLEDGE. He defines his values as Biblical, “I’d like to think I’m trying to keep on point with what is reflected in the Bible, because the answer to peace, joy, prosperity in all things is through Christ. When we do things through a filter of Jesus Christ, that’s our absolute best chance to get it right. I recommend it be applied to everything from your marriage, to how you work, vote , do business, the way you treat people in general – everything. Whatever it is that God gives you to do, do it through Christ.”
Rachel frequently has to walk the delicate line between criticism and advocating for change. “We don’t want to promote cynicism. There’s enough cynicism out there. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that God Himself doesn’t point out things that are wrong, but God is always constructive. There’s a lot of people who are out there who just want to raise heat, but they don’t want to shed light. They want to raise up dirt, but they don’t offer anything to clean it up with. That’s what we got to do. We got to make sure to say, ‘Okay, this is what’s wrong and here is the solution.’ Jesus didn’t call Himself the way, the truth and the light for nothing. He has the way to resolve things. That’s what we always want to present. We want to not just focus on a problem without making sure that there’s a viable solution to go along with it.”
Alfonzo Rachel has a large following on the Internet and his commentaries reach a great many people. “I’m a commentator. I offer my observations. They can be the politics of what’s going on, whether it’s in government, whether it’s in society or even the politics between relationships. Things like that. Your significant other, your spouse or whatnot. I make observations on these things and base them on a Biblical view. There are people out there, and if I can kind of invoke Booker T. Washington in this, there are people out there who want to profit off of problems. There are people that don’t want the problems to go away. I put myself out there, and I make a little bit of a living making these observations but I hope that it is in the Lord’s will and that He sees into my heart that my objective, if I’m profiting, I’m only profiting off presenting solutions with my observations. I’m not getting out there to try and keep poisoning the well and when everyone’s drinking poison, I come through the back door saying, ‘Hey, I’ve got the elixir that will cure you.’ I don’t want to be that guy. It’s about being salt and light, man. We’re about getting out there and trying to shine the light. Not shine the light in people’s eye to blind them, like the devil does. He dazzles them. He masquerades as the Angel of light, you know? He shines light in people’s eyes and blinds them. We want to be the ones out there shining the light on the Lord so people can see the way.”
When it comes to the current state of America, Rachel says it would be nice to discuss it without having to bring politics into it. “But, it’s almost like you can’t because, the thing is, a lot of the desires that people have in the first place, they want them instituted. That’s the thing that people expect from one another. It’s not that they just expect others to abide by these things based on social graces. They want these things instituted. They want people to be forced to abide a certain way. They don’t consider themselves behaving that way. They feel justified on making others forfeiting their rights. They push their beliefs and so called entitlements while accusing others of pushing their beliefs. It just becomes political. People are expecting a politician to do something to make their desires happen. Even as a conservative myself I hear people constantly say, “Government is not the answer. Government is the problem.” But conservatives are just as guilty as liberals because they’re always looking for a politician or the whole government to fix the problem. They can’t fix theses problems. If people would take the time to learn as much about Jesus as they do these political candidates, America would not be having these problems.”
Everyone today talks about more freedom. Rachel elaborates on that idea: “You’ve got to understand that there’s a balance here. Freedom doesn’t mean the freedom to be able to do whatever you want. I can’t unfortunately recall who said this, but I like this saying, ‘It’s not a me kind of freedom, it’s a we kind of freedom.’ In order for us to enjoy freedom, number one, check out the Ten Commandments. Dig those, right? Jesus said, ‘I’m the fulfillment of a law.’ Jesus is the truth that sets us free. If you know Jesus, you know freedom. Jesus will point to those Ten Commandments and say, ‘If you abide by these things, you will know freedom,’ because freedom does not infringe upon somebody else. You can’t just assume that you can do whatever you want, because to do whatever you want just might compromise somebody else’s freedom. There’s a balance to it. In order to enjoy this freedom, get to know Jesus. Understand what he is the fulfillment of. You’ve got to point to those ten commandments. He’s like, “If you love me, you will keep my commandments,” right? Because I want you to love yourself, and in order for your to love yourself properly, you’ve go to know Me. And to know Me is to Love Me.” A lot of people out there have got a weird idea of what love is. They may try to love themselves outside of the scope of what God Authored. They may assume that they can love other people outside of His ordinance, and think there’s supposed to be some reciprocity for it, and they’re going to be sorely disappointed. This often invites as much pain as it does pleasure. Get to know God. He is freedom, He is love, He is truth. When you can love God for what He says He is, then you can learn to love yourself, and then you can love your neighbor. Then you’ll experience what freedom is.”
Like many Christians Alfonzo Rachel believes that we may be in the end times, but he comes to this conclusion in a different way than most. “Jesus says the end times will be like the days of Noah. The reason why I believe that we’re in the end times is the covenant that God made with Noah. He said, ‘Look. I’m going to put this rainbow up here in the sky as a sign of our covenant.’ Well, I imagine there were rainbows before this. There was enough moisture in the air for the sunlight to go through, and that produces rainbows. It’s not like rainbows were some new thing, but God wanted to use the rainbow to show Noah, ‘Look, I’m going to make a covenant with you. I’m never going to flood the world again.’ It was a promise that God made with Noah. And God said ‘When I look at that rainbow I will remember my covenant with you when I gather the clouds.’ God is always ready to flood the world because we’re always making Him angry by our disobedience. Jesus took the wrath of God, and saved us by grace, but there’s still a reckoning for those who reject Him. Because rejecting God invites chaos. But when He is about to flood the world, the rainbow reminds Him not to do it. Also, that rainbow is not just a sign of a covenant, it’s also a reminder to us of why the world was flooded over. The world was flooded over because it was so wicked, right? Now, what do we see all the time today. We see rainbow flags, right? We see rainbow flags all over the place promoting homosexuality. Rejecting it as sin, justifying it, and boasting in it. God loves all of His children. He loves all of His creations. He loves the world, the world and everything in it. I’m not preaching hate, because the Lord loves all the homosexuals out there as well. But the lifestyle is wrong. It’s the same thing if you’re a repeat offender of thievery, if you’re a slanderer, if you’re a swindler, if you’re an adulterer, if you’re those things, God has issues with your behavior, and the Word says, ‘You will not inherit My kingdom.’ You can’t just be doing these things in the face of God and expect to be rewarded with eternal life in paradise with Him. You can’t expect that.”
Rachel connects the widespread acceptance of homosexuality and the rainbow symbol as a sign of the end times. “When that rainbow flag is out there, it’s a reminder of how wicked the world is because not only does that rainbow flag fly over homosexuality, it flies over indulgences in general. Those who want to do things that are apart from God, they also stand under that rainbow flag. If you’re pro-abortion, chances are you’re going to stand under that rainbow flag. If you’re all about coexistence and all that sort of stuff and think that there are other ways that you can inherit eternity, like being a Buddhist or being Taoist or being Hindu or being Muslim, and we can all coexist and they’re all the same God, they fall under that flag. If you use drugs or entertain indulgences apart from Christ, chances are you stand under that rainbow flag. People who want to do things apart from God, stand under that rainbow flag. They stand in solidarity with their indulgences, their selfish desires. They want these things instituted, right? When we’re looking at these things, we see a world that is in defiance with God. Just like Jesus said, “It will become like the days of Noah…and it’s becoming that way.”
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1 Comment
Alonzo is the truth bomb. I love listening to him over the last yeat. He preaches the truth with some humor added in. He should have some kind of show, TV or radio. He’s great.