11 Current Trends In Nutrition & Weight Loss

Trends In Nutrition & Weight Loss For 2018
By JC May
While some nutritional facts are here to stay, the world of weight loss and eating for health sees trends rise and fall. Sometimes the hot, new trend is a definite success, while other times it fizzles and fades.
Here are 11 current trends in nutrition and weight loss, and you probably haven’t yet heard of a few. Which will be of value to you in your quest to be healthy?
Gut Focus
Gut health is something few people seriously considered until a few years ago, but today the digestive system has taken center stage. It’s tough to balance those bacteria that either help or hinder your ability to feel your best, and most people have tried eating more yogurt or fermented foods with the healthy stuff that the gut needs to thrive.
You will continue to see a focus on probiotics and gut health, and even start to see good bacteria show up in unusual places, in products such as frozen burritos and sauces for cooking. You’ll also see more focus on fermenting veggies.
A FODMAP (Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides, and Polyols), is a particular type of carbohydrate that can have a negative impact on digestion. People who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or just general digestive problems often find that concentrating on foods low in FODMAPs can ease or even eliminate symptoms.
Many vegetables, fruits, proteins and grains fit comfortably into a low-FODMAP diet, so this isn’t an eating style that makes it hard to find food. There are foods to avoid, however, and people following these restrictions will probably need to carry a list around with them for a little while.
Edible Flowers
Edible flowers make your meal prettier and add more complex flavors to shake up your pallet. Edible flowers are fun and often contain substantial nutrients. Start looking for them to pop up more often in your salads, especially in restaurants. Dandelions, roses, hibiscus, pansies, and lilacs all fall into this category.
Sleepy Eating
You are probably aware that your sleep habits have a lot to do with your overall health and even issues with weight and fitness. Because your food choices play such an important part in other areas of your health, it’s not a stretch to realize that you can eat with better sleep as your goal.
Rather than turning to a supplement or sleep aid, people with insomnia will begin to trade in a traditional evening snack for something known to help with sleep. These foods include cherries, fish, and almonds.
Turmeric is the celebrated spice of today’s cooking and supplementation. With the ability to fight heart disease, dementia, and even cancer, this spice is more than just delicious. Many consider it a plus for weight loss and anti-inflammatory properties.
You can expect to see many more recipes that include turmeric, and you’ll notice the supplement available as well.
Maca Root Powder
Maca root is grown in Peruvian mountains and has taken its place among the superfoods. Usually ground into a fine powder and swallowed as a supplement, the root boats high nutritional content said to promote mental tranquility and physical health. It may even stimulate your libido.
If you don’t want to take a supplement, you can sprinkle some of the powder onto cereals or blend it into a smoothie. You can also find it in energy bars and other specialty items. Maca root has a pleasant aroma and taste, sometimes likened to butterscotch.
Monk Fruit
Choices in sweeteners just keep expanding, and monk fruit is a popular option now. The fruit is a sweet melon that has been grown for centuries in Southern China, presumably by Buddhist monks who inspired the name.
Monk fruit is often dried and ground into a low-calorie, low-carbohydrate alternative to sugar. It is known to be helpful in controlling blood sugar levels as well.
Eating soup has always been popular, but it is currently at the center of an entire diet plan. Many people who are hoping to eat more nutritiously and lose weight might consume nothing but soup, based on the idea that many soups contain plenty of vegetables, grains, and other healthy ingredients. They are also filling and not as easy to overeat as some different kinds of foods.
Be careful with canned or premade soups because they typically contain a lot of sodium.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Is there nothing apple cider vinegar can’t do? People have been using apple cider vinegar medicinally for many years, but currently, the masses are taking advantage of its power. Apple cider vinegar is a star when it comes to gut health, weight loss, and proper digestion. It can also help fight cold symptoms.
Drink it with water, take it in supplement form or drizzle it on your salad. You are sure to benefit from adding ACV to your daily diet.
Baby Quinoa
Quinoa is a grain that has exploded in popularity over the past decade. You’ll often see it offered up as an alternative to rice and wheat-based products. Quinoa flour is useful in gluten-free cooking as well.
The next phase of the quinoa craze is baby quinoa, which isn’t just a smaller version of quinoa but comes from a different plant. It’s also called kaniwa. It contains many of the same nutrients as quinoa but in a more concentrated form. It’s slightly nuttier, sweeter, and higher in protein than quinoa.
Pulses are dried seeds from legumes like beans, chickpeas, and lentils. Low in fat and high in protein and fiber, they also contain a host of other nutrients.
You can use pulses in many different recipes from meat dishes to salads to soups.
These 11 trends are popular among people who want to eat better and get healthier. Have you gotten into any of these nutritional trends? Maybe it’s time to try some for yourself.
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