Pictured above are Ted Nichols and his wife Melody. Ted is the owner and founder of New Hope Photo in New Hope, Pennsylvania. New Hope Photo is a camera store, photo lab and custom frame shop. Their photo lab was recognized as a “World Class Photo Lab” by Kodak and their digital capabilities include cards, photo books and posters, as well as standard sizes of prints. They have a large selection of ready- made photo frames, but the company also creates custom frames and mats of any size and shape including double and triple mats, multi-opening mats and other creative embellishments. I asked Ted to talk a little about his values. “I certainly try to live a Godly and Christ-centered life, and live it in a way that it is an example to others. I think it has to be genuine and real. It’s not about living one way during the week and a different way in church. I feel that I’m open and transparent enough that people see and know who I am. It is important to make good choices, the kind of choices that you won’t regret later. You have to look at the big picture and what’s honoring God, honoring your family, and being an example to those around you.”
Nichols also acknowledged that sometimes doing what you believe is right may create difficulties in your life. “Naturally, doing the right thing is not always the popular thing and that can be a little uncomfortable, but I guess I’m not the kind of person that always has to be going with the flow or going with the crowd. I’m just doing what I need to do and try to make the right decisions.”
The Staff: From left. Frank Johnston, Bill Wolf, Ted Nichols, Denise Marshall and Cindy Stoughton.
When I asked about his sources of inspiration, Nichols was quick to mention the Bible as an important guide. “The Bible is certainly an important guide. It has so many great examples. There are also great leaders in the church, Godly men who are worth getting to know and talk with concerning the various challenges that we face in today’s world.”
Ted being presented an award by T.K. Broecker as ‘Member of the Year’ of the Independent Photo Imagers (www.ipiphoto.com) at the 2017 International Print & Imaging Conference (IPIC).
Chief among those challenges are those presented by a world that has pulled away from the values of the Christian faith. “It seems that, as a society, we recognize other religions and want to understand their beliefs, but at the same time we are too hesitant to stand for Christian values. I think that if people in this country held to Judeo-Christian values lived out in Biblical principles, we’d be in a better place and going in a better direction. We’re living in a country where we have so much and take so much for granted. I think many of us lean on ourselves rather than lean on God. Whereas, you hear about Christians in other countries where they virtually have nothing, little materialistically, yet they lean on God and God brings them through adversity. Here, in our affluent country, I think we have so much that sometimes we can take it for granted and only expect more, rather than be humbled in gratitude.”
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