The Difference Between Persecution and Survival : A Well Thought Out Scream by James Riordan

In my last blog I talked about the evils of religious persecution, but where does one draw the line between religion and politics? It is natural for Americans to view the great migration from Mid Eastern countries as people desiring to escape the war torn violence all around them. To those of us who believe in religious freedom, it matters not whether the refugees were Muslims or Lutherans. We see them as people surrounded by trouble and we can’t blames them for wanting to get away from it. But many in Europe believe that the masses of people entering their countries are more of a methodical occupational advance than refugees from war and tyranny. Recently some sixty thousand people gathered on Poland’s Independence Day as much to demonstrate against this occupation as to celebrate their country. The truth is that many Polish patriots believe this amounts to the same thing. Having seen the effects of what they call the “creeping danger of mass migration” in countries like Germany and Sweden which, under pressure from the European Union have drastically changes their demographic makeup in recent years. Many Europeans maintain that those countries are paying the price for it. In Sweden, for example, bombings in major cities have become a regular occurrence and according to a recent study between 2012 and 2016, 95.6% of rapes and 90% of gang rapes have been committed by men of foreign descent, particularly from the Middle East and Africa. Even so, there is not as much discussion in the media about these things because any discussion at all sounds racially and religiously bias. In Germany, gang sex attacks have become frequent with hundreds of women being assaulted by migrants. Of course, it is wrong to condemn an entire people or faith based upon the behavior of a relative few.
Well, in both Poland and Austria leaders are claiming that such attacks are the result of a planned occupation rather than the random acts of a few individuals. A recent video entitled Austria Says “NO MORE!” to Islamisation began with these words: “Ladies and Gentleman, Europe is not free because freedom begins with speaking
the truth. Today in Europe it is forbidden to speak the truth. It is forbidden to say that those arriving are not refugees, but that Europe is threaten by migration. It is forbidden to say that tens of millions are ready to set out in our direction. It is forbidden to say that mass immigration brings crime and terror to our countries. It is forbidden to point out that the masses arriving from other countries endanger our way of life, our customs, and are Christian traditions. It is forbidden to point out that those who arrived earlier have already built up their own new separate world for themselves, with its own laws and ideals which is forcing apart the thousand year old structure of Europe, It is forbidden to point out that this is not ab accidental and unintentional chain of consequences, but a preplanned operation, a mass of people directed towards us. It is forbidden to say that in Brussels they are concocting schemes to transport foreigners here as quickly as possible and to settle them among us. It is forbidden to point out that the purpose of settling people here is to reshape the religious and cultural landscape of Europe, and to reengineer its ethnic foundations, thereby eliminating the last barrier to globalism: the nation states. It is forbidden to say that Brussels is now stealthily devouring more and more slices of our national sovereignty, and that in Brussels many are now making plans for a United States of Europe.”
The march in Poland proclaimed “Jesus Christ as the Lord of the Polish people” and “Leftist propaganda is trying to destroy the church and its people.” The leaders of the march described themselves as Christian soldiers going to war for Poland. “The more they attack us, the more our spirit rises.” These leaders urged the people to proclaim their faith as the apostle Paul urged, being prepared to be attacked and persecuted for their faith. “History repeats itself,” they cried. “In 1944 we were persuaded to accept the Soviets and in 2015 we were being persuaded to accept the Islamic fundamentalism. WE will never accept it. We’re not concerned with peaceful Muslims. We’re concerned with their fundamentalism. We don’t need any violence in Poland. We don’t need the aggression in the name of Allah. No Rapes. No lynches. No terror. We must stand up to it all. We don’t need the hated of the Quran. What we need is the love and truth of the Gospel. Always the Gospel, never the Quran. Dearly beloved, the leftist and Islamic aggression against Christianity and our nation is a serious concern. No one will ever take away our Christian heritage, Not the Leftists, not the Muslims, not Obama.”

Anjen Chourdary who became famous for demanding to introduce Sharia Law in Great Britain said “one day Sharia Law will also be introduced in Poland because we believe that it is necessary to remove all oppressive regimes if the people are governed by somebody else than Allah it is oppression. Thanks to our politics your regimes will be overthrown and the people will be happy with no heads.”
The leaders of the march responded: “There will be no Islamic Imam in our land. You will not introduce ny of your Islamic rules. This is Poland. This is our land, our country, our rules and values. Here Jesus Christ is our King. We’re not interested in any European Directives or immigration quotas. I repeat. These are not our wars. It is not our culture. Not our faith. And not our immigrants. God! Honor! Homeland!”
The last three words were repeated in a chant by the marchers. The leaders of the march added this statement: “To the Muslim population in America: Make no mistake, America is a Christian nation now more than ever and in America Jesus Christ is King or Kings and Lord of Lords. If you do not respect that, you are not worthy of America. To the globelist political establishment that includes the Left and Republicans posing as Conservatives, you no longer have control of the United States of America. Your mechanisms of deception including the Main Stream Media, Hollywood, the United Nations, NASA, and Planned Parenthood have been exposed . Your Luciferian reign is over.”
Austria seems to have taken an even firmer stance. On October 14th 2016, Austrians elected 31 year old anti-immigration conservative Sabastion Kurz as Chancellor. As Foreign Minister Kurz was behind the laws that banned wearing the face covered burka and banned immigrants from purchasing guns. As Chancellor Kurz has said he will end benefits for immigrants for the first five years. The media has called Kurz and his followers “Nazis”because of his Austria first attitude towards immigration.

So, you be the judge. Is this religious persecution or political survival?
1 Comment
As Islam is both a religion and a political system, any perceived persecution against them could be labeled both or either. They seek a theocracy.
Christians do not. In fact, we stand opposed to theocracies.
But we face both religious and political oppression and persecution as political persecution is a means to religious persecution (see Hitler’s Germany.)