SPORTS by Brad Weisman: Hockey Culture is A Different “Puck” Game

There is a whole different culture to the sport of hockey compared to other sports. I am not an expert on the sport of hockey nor do I profess to be. However, I have done a fair amount of coaching at the youth level for several sports. The culture in hockey is all about life lessons that extend far beyond just being on the ice.
Hockey players are taught early the locker room is a place to be quiet….listen…..learn…..and no room for negativity. There is no room for a “cancer” in the locker room. I heard a coach say that once and it stuck in my head. The end point was negative energy in the locker room will ripple through everyone. Negative energy is removed quickly so everyone can listen….learn…and be mindful of each other….and ultimately this is for the team. The locker room is the sanctuary and a place to also talk and learn about each other. It is critical to be respectful in the locker room and understand playing hockey is a privilege. Parents get up early….spend money they often don’t have to get their kids on the ice. It is a commitment for both the parents and the kids. Kids learn early the importance of being thankful. Lastly, hockey has great history that has lasted all over the world. It is about respecting the game and the people who have played it…….and play it today. Hockey players are taught early to be quiet and focus on the quick shift they play…….then go 100% once again for each shift.
Life is about being respectful….going 100% each shift you endure….even through adversity. Hockey culture often feels like a foundation for good behavior in the real world. It is about listening….being respectful….quiet……and not boasting. I suspect all of those teachings in the rink…….in the locker room….all can lend themselves as positive reinforcement for other bigger things we all do off the ice.
Bradley D. Weisman
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